Results: 5435

Previous experience of family violence and intimate partner violence in pregnancy

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate differential associations between the exposure to violence in the family of origin and victimization and perpetration of intimate partner violence in pregnancy. METHODS A nested case-control study was carried out within a cohort study with 1,120 pregnant women aged 18-4...

Viral hepatitis in female sex workers using the Respondent-Driven Sampling

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of hepatitis B virus and C virus infections and their genotypes and analyze the risk factors for the markers of exposure to hepatitis B virus in female sex workers in a region of intense sex trade. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study performed with four...

Recent illicit drug use among psychiatric patients in Brazil: a national representative study

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate factors associated to illicit drug use among patients with mental illness in Brazil according to gender. METHODS A cross-sectional representative sample of psychiatric patients (2,475 individuals) was randomly selected from 11 hospitals and 15 public mental health outpa...

Prevalence of common mental disorders among sugarcane workers

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders and to analyze the associated factors in migrant and sugarcane workers. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study carried out with 110 workers. Common mental disorders were evaluated using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), ...

Factors associated with reinfection of syphilis in reference centers for sexually transmitted infections

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE We aim to analyze trend of syphilis and factors associated with recurrent episodes of syphilis among adults and adolescents attended in a STI/AIDS reference centers in Campinas, state of São Paulo, 2004 to 2012. METHODS Medical records, pharmacy data, and notification database were ...

Patterns of tobacco consumption among residents of a rural settlement: a cross-sectional study

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Investigate patterns and factors associated with tobacco consumption among residents of a rural settlement. METHODS A cross-sectional study conducted between September and November 2014, with 172 residents of a rural settlement in the Midwest region of Brazil. We analyzed as depend...

Factors associated with frailty in a community-dwelling population of older adults

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze if demographic and socioeconomic factors and factors related to health and health services are associated with frailty in community-dwelling older adults. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study with 339 older adults (60 years old or more) living in Juiz de Fora, State o...

Risk factors for syphilis in women: case-control study

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To determine the sociodemographic, behavioral, and health care factors related to the occurrence of syphilis in women treated at public maternity hospitals. METHODS This is a case-control study (239 cases and 322 controls) with women admitted to seven maternity hospitals in the mun...

Maternal education and age: inequalities in neonatal death

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Evaluate the interaction between maternal age and education level in neonatal mortality, as well as investigate the temporal evolution of neonatal mortality in each stratum formed by the combination of these two risk factors. METHODS A nonconcurrent cohort study, resulting from a p...

Quality of the record of data on fatal workplace injuries in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the quality of the data on fatal workplace injuries in Brazil, in the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Information System of Notifiable Diseases (SINAN-AT), analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution between 2007 and 2012. METHODS We identified fields relat...