ABSTRACT Objectives: to report the user experience of the webQDA software in the support of qualitative data analysis about health literacy of older adults. Methods: quasi-experimental research developed from January 2014 to January 2015, with 118 older adults, all of whom were interviewed to assess th...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze speeches, representations, and approaches on health and health promotion in schools, materialized in the speech of teachers. Methods: a qualitative study, of the case study type, carried out with 17 teachers from the municipal and state educational network. The data were...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the evolution of clinical indicators that characterize airway permeability in patients in the postoperative period of thoracoabdominal surgeries and to analyze their relationship with the occurrence of the diagnosis "ineffective airway clearance". Methods: descriptive...
ABSTRACT Objectives: comprehend the Event History Calendar components that are relevant for the nurse to adolescent communicative process, in the context of Primary Health Care. Methods: reflective study, based on the Event History Calendar approach, in the relational, communicative, and educational di...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand breastfeeding meanings and practices produced by women attending prenatal care at a Basic Health Unit in the Brazilian Northeast. Methods: a social research characterized as participant research. A Focal Group was conducted with nine pregnant women who had other chi...
Lactancia Materna/psicología,
Educación del Paciente como Asunto/normas,
Atención Prenatal/normas,
Lactancia Materna/Métodos,
Lactancia Materna/tendencias,
Relaciones Madre-Hijo,
Educación del Paciente como Asunto/Métodos,
Educación del Paciente como Asunto/tendencias,
Atención Prenatal/Métodos,
Atención Prenatal/psicología,
Investigación Cualitativa
ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify predisposing and enabling factors as well as the health needs associated with the discontinuance of outpatient follow-up of newborns who were hospitalized at neonatal intensive care unit. Methods: cross-sectional study, using the behavioral model of health services use....
ABSTRACT Objectives: To reflect on teaching experience in the application of the spiritual nursing care called permission for departing. Methods: It is a methodological reflection and description of a subtle technology for spiritual nursing care called permission for departing. Results: the permission...
ABSTRACT Objetives: to analyze the ingredients of the competence that the nurses use in the performance of their work in hemotherapy. Methods: qualitative study with 22 nurses, accomplished through documentary study, observation and semi-structured interview, with resources of Atlas.ti software based o...
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify in the literature methods and techniques of debriefing used in teaching and learning in nursing simulation. Methods: Integrative review of PubMed/MEDLINE®, LILACS, Scopus and CINAHL® databases, with the descriptors "nursing", "nursing education", respective terms in En...
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the meanings built by the nursing team regarding communication at shift handover in intensive care units. Method: A qualitative study, grounded on the theoretical framework of Berlo, was developed in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Rio de Janeiro with the nursing...
Cuidados Críticos,
Rol de la Enfermera,
Grupo de Enfermería,
Pase de Guardia,
Cuidados Críticos/Métodos,
Cuidados Críticos/organización & administración,
Toma de Decisiones,
Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos,
Ruido en el Ambiente de Trabajo,
Asistentes de Enfermería,
Teoría de Enfermería,
Pase de Guardia/organización & administración,
Pase de Guardia/normas,
Transferencia de Pacientes,
Investigación Cualitativa