Results: 729

Enamel defects and tooth eruption disturbances in children with sickle cell anemia

Abstract Sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease caused by a mutation in the beta-globin gene, can present oral manifestations such as delayed tooth eruption and hypomineralized enamel and dentin. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of developmental defects of enamel (D...

Measuring herpes zoster disease burden in São Paulo, Brazil: a clinico-epidemiological single-center study

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVES: Herpes zoster is characterized by acute neuritis and post-herpetic neuralgia. Currently, data concerning the zoster-associated impact on quality of life and healthcare resource utilization in Brazil are scarce. This study measured the zoster-associated burden in a Brazilian population. METHO...

Masking Level Difference em escolares: análises ambientais

CoDAS; 30 (3), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo Pesquisar a habilidade auditiva de atenção seletiva na população escolar e identificar valores de referência para a faixa etária de sete a dez anos por meio do teste Masking Level Difference, além de identificar se a escolaridade dos pais, bem como a renda familiar, pode influenc...

Desempenho de falantes do português brasileiro no "Test of Narrative Language (TNL)"

CoDAS; 30 (4), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o desempenho de falantes do português brasileiro no Test of Narrative Language e correlacionar o desempenho nas tarefas de produção e compreensão da narrativa. Método Participaram 140 indivíduos, entre 5 e 11 anos e 11 meses de idade com desenvolvimento típico de lingu...

Older adults with cancer in the city of São Paulo: what factors determine the place of death?

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Investigate factors associated with death at home among older adults who died of cancer in a large city. METHODS This is a descriptive study, including all cancer deaths (ICD C00-C97) occurring between 2006 and 2012, among residents of the city of São Paulo, 60 years of age or old...

Burden of ischemic heart disease mortality attributable to physical inactivity in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze if the burden of ischemic heart disease mortality trend attributed to physical inactivity in Brazil differs from the global estimates. METHODS Databases from the Global Burden of Disease Study for Brazil, Brazilian states, and global information were used. We estimated t...

Hospital mortality in older patients in the Brazilian Unified Health System, Southeast region

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate factors associated with hospital death in older inpatients for specific diseases of the circulatory system in the Brazilian Unified Health System considering the risk-adjusted hospital mortality as an indicator of effectiveness. METHODS The data were extracted from the ...

Socioeconomic context of the community and chronic child malnutrition in Colombia

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the influence of the socioeconomic context of the community on chronic child malnutrition in Colombia. METHODS We estimated multilevel logistic models using data from the National Demographic and Health Survey in Colombia in 2010. The final sample included 11,448 childre...

Evaluation of cases of concussion and subluxation in the permanent dentition: a retrospective study

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Objectives This study evaluated the evolution of cases of concussion and subluxation through a retrospective study of 20 years. Material and Methods Were examined clinical and radiographic records of 1,309 patients who underwent treatment of dentoalveolar trauma in the discipline of Integrated...

Desigualdade no acesso à saúde entre as áreas urbanas e rurais do Brasil: uma decomposição de fatores entre 1998 a 2008

O acesso à saúde é uma importante dimensão das desigualdades entre áreas urbanas e rurais. O acesso é menor nas áreas rurais em função da maior vulnerabilidade social de sua população e das maiores dificuldades de acesso que seus grupos sociais estão submetidos. A partir de dados do suplement...