O primeiro relato de reação alérgica à Cannabis sativa foi publicado em 1971, com a descrição de uma mulher de 29 anos que após fumar maconha pela primeira vez apresentou sintomas compatíveis com uma reação anafilática. A alergia à maconha pode manifestar-se por sintomas diversos, inclusive g...
Alergia e Inmunología,
Fumar Marihuana,
Reacciones Cruzadas,
Hipersensibilidad Inmediata,
Cannabis/efectos adversos
Objetivo: Embora o objetivo da Rede Global de Asma (GAN) seja entender o estado atual do eczema atópico (EA), sua prevenção e melhoria geral em seu manejo, particularmente em países de baixa e média renda, ela permite a avaliação de outras doenças alérgicas, como a asma (A) e a rinite alérgica ...
Estudios Transversales,
Dermatitis Atópica,
Factores de Riesgo,
Productos Lácteos,
Rinitis Alérgica,
Signos y Síntomas,
Sistemas Electrónicos de Liberación de Nicotina,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios,
Conducta Alimentaria,
Aceite de Oliva
Introduction: Bee venom (BV) allergy, a common cause of anaphylaxis in adults, is often associated with severe reactions. The use of component-resolved diagnostics (CRD) increases diagnostic accuracy. Objectives: To characterize the sensitization profile of BV allergic patients and a possible correlation...
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Inmunoglobulina E,
Mordeduras y Picaduras,
Pruebas Cutáneas,
Venenos de Abeja,
Western Blotting
ABSTRACT Introduction: Systemic sclerosis can involve the lung parenchyma leading to serious complications and even death. Objectives: To describe the most relevant aspects of interstitial lung disease related to systemic sclerosis emphasizing diagnosis and treatment. Materials and methods: A liter...
ABSTRACT Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a systemic autoimmune disease in which gastrointestinal manifestations are a frequent complication. Gastrointestinal involvement is present in up to 90 % of patients. The most affected areas are the esophagus and the anorectal tract. Reflux, heartburn and dysmotility ...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Osteoarticular manifestations (OAM) are frequently present in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). These OAM are related to important functional disability and a severe impact on patient's life quality, therefore, they require special attention from clinicians. Objective: De...
ABSTRACT Background: Scleroderma renal crisis is a condition that affects approximately 4-6% of patients with systemic sclerosis, especially with diffuse compromise. Clinical manifestations are variable, representing a diagnostic challenge. Objective: The study aims to describe and analyze the differ...
RESUMEN Introducción: El síndrome de Sjögren es una enfermedad autoinmune asociada a múltiples factores, tanto genéticos como ambientales, que afecta principalmente a las glándulas salivales y lagrimales con infiltración celular de estas, lo cual causa síntomas secos. Con frecuencia se describe...