Results: 5434

Comportamentos saudáveis e escolaridade no Brasil: tendência temporal de 2008 a 2013

Resumo Este estudo analisou dados do Sistema de Vigilância por Inquérito Telefônico (Vigitel) com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de aglomeração de comportamentos saudáveis (não fumar, consumo não abusivo de álcool, prática de atividade física regular no lazer e consumo recomendado de fru...

Edentulism in Brazil: trends, projections and expectations until 2040

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the edentulism rates in Brazil and make projections for the next years. Data were collected from three national oral health surveys. The percentage of edentulous jaws was calculated. Projections were made for the years 2020, 2030 and 2040, assuming that edent...

Qualidade da informação dos óbitos por causas externas em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Resumo O artigo analisa qualidade da informação dos óbitos por causas externas em Fortaleza, Ceará. Analisaram-se a completitude das informações da Declaração de Óbito (DO) e a concordância entre a causa básica do óbito descrita na DO e a registrada no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidad...

Low levels of physical activity and metabolic syndrome: cross-sectional study in the Brazilian public health system

Abstract This study investigated whether low levels of physical activity in different domains is associated with risk factors for the occurrence of metabolic syndrome or metabolic syndrome itself. Habitual physical activity level was assessed among 963 participants, aged 50 years old or more, using Baeck...

The prevalence of physical activity and its associated effects among students in the São Paulo public school network, Brazil

Abstract The current study evaluated physical activity (PA) level and its associated effects among students in the public network of São Paulo, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was taken using a representative sample of students in São Paulo public school system. International Physical Activity Question...

Associação entre consumo alimentar, atividade física, fatores socioeconômicos e percentual de gordura corporal em escolares

Resumo O objetivo do artigo foi verificar a associação entre consumo alimentar, atividade física, fatores socioeconômicos e percentual de gordura corporal em escolares de 7 a 14 anos de idade. Estudo transversal realizado com amostra probabilística de 2481 escolares matriculados em escolas públicas...

Fatores de risco cardiovascular e consumo alimentar em cadetes da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular e inadequações de consumo alimentar em cadetes da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira e a associação com sexo e ano de formação. Estudo transversal com 166 cadetes da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira...

Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in adolescents and association with computer and videogame use

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 92 (2), 2016
Abstract Objective: This study investigated the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms in high school adolescents from public schools and its association with electronic device use. Methods: The sample consisted of 961 boys and girls aged 14–19 years who answered a questionnaire regarding the use o...

Association between general and abdominal obesity with high blood pressure: difference between genders

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 92 (2), 2016
Abstract Objective: To assess the association between general and abdominal obesity with high blood pressure in adolescents of both genders from the public school system. Methods: This was an epidemiological, descriptive, exploratory study, with a quantitative approach and local scope whose sample cons...

Asymptomatic vertebral fractures in patients with low bone mineral density

Summary Objective: Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) is a test technique that can be used to detect asymptomatic vertebral fractures (AVF). It uses dual energy X-ray bsorptiometry (DXA) and can be performed concurrently with bone densitometry. This study aims to assess the prevalence of AVF in patient...