Results: 1629

Mental health in health professionals facing Covid-19: a systematic review

Psicol. teor. prát; 23 (1), 2021
The objective was to systemically review the scientific literature findings on mental health indicators of health professionals engaged in coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. The review followed the PRISMA guideline recommendations, including articles published on this theme, excluding comments, editorial...

Parenting, mental health, and Covid-19: a rapid systematic review

Psicol. teor. prát; 23 (1), 2021
Parents face specific challenges during the pandemic and the period of social isolation since they need to cope with their children's demands besides their own. They are a key group to access and promote the wellbeing of children, especially in early development. This review systematically summarizes stu...

The Effect of Psychotherapy on Anxiety, Depression, and Quality of Life of Patients with Heart Failure: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Abstract Background Patients with heart failure often experience depression, anxiety, and impacts on quality of life. Psychotherapeutic interventions have been used for chronic conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, showing improvement in mental health. However, no studies have assessed the eff...

Cognitive-behavioral intervention for math anxiety in childhood: a case report

Dement. neuropsychol; 15 (2), 2021
ABSTRACT Math anxiety (MA) is a feeling of dread, tension and anxiety when dealing with math situations. Avoidance behavior prevents children from learning math, impairing their performance. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an approach with robust evidence of efficacy in treating anxiety disorders. The Co...

“Tudo por conta própria”: autonomia individual e mediação técnica em aplicativos de autocuidado psicológico

RECIIS (Online); 15 (1), 2021
Este artigo discute o resultado da análise de 10 aplicativos móveis de autocuidado psicológico utilizados no Brasil, que denominamos PsiApps. A análise se desdobra em duas camadas: uma ‘visível’, que envolve os discursos dos próprios aplicativos para descrever os problemas que visam solucionar,...

Avaliação do grau de ansiedade de estudantes de odontologia frente a tratamentos odontológicos

Introdução: A ansiedade, quando ocorre diante da perspectiva do tratamento odontológico, é denominada ansiedade odontológica, e esta pode estar presente em diferentes perfis de indivíduos, inclusive estudantes de odontologia. Objetivos: avaliar o grau de ansiedade e percepção de estudantes de odo...

Estrés, ansiedad y factores asociados en mujeres adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas en Medellín (Colombia)

Med. U.P.B; 40 (1), 2021
Objetivo: Comparar el grado de ansiedad y estrés en dos grupos poblacionales de mujeres adolescentes y su asociación con el embarazo. Metodología: Estudio transversal analítico en 125 adolescentes embarazadas atendidas en el Hospital General de Medellín (Colombia) y 124 adolesce...