Results: 578

Body dissatisfaction among Iranian youth and adults

Abstract: Despite the importance of body satisfaction on one's self image and well-being, little has been written about body image or how it affects people in Iran. The aim of this study is to assess body dissatisfaction and its risk factors in the general Iranian population. The sample size for this cro...

Procedimentos no atendimento para queimaduras nas mãos na fase aguda

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 32 (2), 2017
Introdução: A mão representa 3% da superfície corporal total, porém seu envolvimento em trauma grave, como uma queimadura, pode levar a sequelas funcionais graves. O presente estudo descreve os procedimentos no atendimento de pacientes na fase aguda com queimaduras envolvendo as mãos. Métodos: 122...

Achievement goals and life satisfaction: the mediating role of perception of successful agency and the moderating role of emotion reappraisal

Psicol. reflex. crit; 30 (), 2017
Abstract Achievement goals are cognitive representations that guide behavior to a competence-related future end state. Existing theories and empirical findings suggest that achievement goals are potentially related to life satisfaction. However, the relationship between achievement goals and life satisfa...

Self-reported well-being and associated factors among industrial workers in Brazil: findings from a national survey

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to estimate self-perception of well-being and associated factors among industrial workers in Brazil. A cross-sectional survey was carried out with a representative sample from 23 Brazilian states and the Federal District. Self-reported of well-being was investigate...

Food neophobia, life satisfaction and family eating habits in university students

Abstract: The aim of this study was to categorize university students based on their association between food neophobia and levels of subjective well-being, in general and in the food domain, and their perception of their family's eating habits. A survey was conducted among 372 university students from s...

Miedo al Delito, Victimización y Satisfacción con la Vida en México

Summa psicol. UST; 14 (2), 2017
El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar las relaciones existentes entre miedo al delito, victimización y satisfacción con la vida, en función del género. La muestra estuvo conformada por 7535 sujetos de ambos sexos (49.8 % mujeres y 50.2 % hombres) de entre 12 y 70 años, seleccionados a partir ...

Morbid Obesity and Motivation for Bariatric Surgery

Summa psicol. UST; 14 (2), 2017
Morbid obesity is a disease affecting the health of thousands of people around the world, representing a great economic burden for health services. One of the most effective methods of weight reduction is bariatric surgery; however this procedure is commonly used only after other weight reduction methods...

Factors associated to subjective wellbeing in older adults

Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: identify the factors associated with subjective wellbeing in older adults. Method: analytical, cross-sectional study developed in Chile. The sample consisted of 20,351 seniors, who answered a question on overall life satisfaction in the National Socio-Economic Survey, 2011. Subjec...

Qualidade de vida, perfil socioeconômico, demográfico e laboral de coletores de resíduos sólidos

Objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida, o perfil socioeconômico, demográfico e laboral de coletores de resíduos sólidos. Método estudo quantitativo, transversal, realizado com 43 coletores de resíduos no período de fevereiro a junho de 2015. Utilizou-se formulário contendo dados socioeconômicos...