Results: 1019

Obstetric analgesia in labor and its association with neonatal outcomes

ABSTRACT Objetives: To investigate the association between analgesia during labor and occurrence of neonatal outcomes. Methods: Retrospective cohort study with medical records of 850 parturient. The exposure variable of interest was receiving pharmacological analgesia during labor and neonatal outcomes...

Teaching implications in the pedagogical training of a technical school

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the teaching implications with the pedagogical training in a Technical School of SUS. Method: a qualitative study that has the Institutional Analysis as theoretical and methodological framework, Institutional Socio-Clinical modality, whose data were collected from July 20...

Documentary analysis in the study of architectural designs of a hospital in the city of São Paulo

ABSTRACT Objectives: to report the experience of using architectural designs of a hospital for a historical documentary research. Methods: report of the experience of the methodological route of using architectural designs of a model hospital from 1974 to 2002. Results: after being spread on a workshe...

Freedom-deprived women: social representations of prison, violence, and their consequences

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the social representations that women deprived of their freedom have of imprisonment, violence, and their consequences. Method: An exploratory-descriptive qualitative study with 15 women from a female penitentiary in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Semistructured inte...

Health in the school: perceptions of being adolescent

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand adolescents' perceptions on school health. Methods: qualitative and descriptive research grounded on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology, which was developed with 90 adolescent students from a federal school of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data were produced by gath...

Health advocacy and primary health care: evidence for nursing

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze nursing actions involving health advocacy in the context of primary health care and the consolidation of this right to health. Methods: this is an integrative literature review with content analysis of the results on health advocacy and its relationship with nursing in t...

Nursing diagnoses and outcomes for children with nutritional anomalies: a descriptive study

ABSTRACT Objectives: to develop nursing diagnoses and outcomes for children with nutritional anomalies based on terms found in a children's clinical protocol and on the 2017 International Classification for Nursing Practice. Methods: exploratory-descriptive study, conducted with the validation of diagn...

Happiness as a strength in the promotion of adolescent and adult young health

ABSTRACT Objectives: to assess the relation between sociodemographic characteristics of young people associated with the subjectivity of being happy; to evaluate the relationship between the subjectivity of being happy and the perception of health status; to evaluate the relationship between the subject...

Evaluation of user embracement software with pediatric risk classification

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate functional performance and technical quality of user embracement software with pediatric risk classification. Method: descriptive exploratory study developed based on the quality requirements set forth in ISO/IEC 25010. The evaluated characteristics were: functional adeq...

Mothers mothering in prison: an experience report of the nursing care project

ABSTRACT Objectives: to report the experience of designing and implementing the nursing care project with mothers and babies in prison. Methods: this is an experience report about the nursing care project with mothers and children in prison, having as a guiding axis Winnicottian concepts about the moth...