Results: 5432
Protocolo clínico e diretrizes terapêuticas para hepatite B e coinfecções
Protocolos Clínicos/normas, Atención Primaria de Salud/métodos, Hepatitis B/prevención & control, Coinfección/epidemiología, Técnicas y Procedimientos Diagnósticos, Hepatitis B/terapia, Utilización de Medicamentos/normas, Exámenes Médicos/métodos, Brasil/epidemiología, Guías de Práctica Clínica como Asunto/normas, Análisis Costo-Beneficio
Depression and diagnosis of neurocognitive impairment in HIV-positive patients
Braz. j. med. biol. res; 49 (10), 2016
Neurocognitive impairment (NCI) is frequently observed in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and results from the compromise of subcortical brain structures by the virus. The manifestations of NCI range from asymptomatic impairment to dementia. In addition to cognitive impairment r...
Complejo SIDA Demencia/complicaciones, Complejo SIDA Demencia/epidemiología, Complejo SIDA Demencia/psicología, Encéfalo/virología, Brasil/epidemiología, Recuento de Linfocito CD4, Estudios Transversales, Depresión/epidemiología, Depresión/virología, Escolaridad, Seropositividad para VIH/epidemiología, Seropositividad para VIH/psicología, Trastornos Neurocognitivos/diagnóstico, Trastornos Neurocognitivos/epidemiología, Trastornos Neurocognitivos/virología, Pruebas Neuropsicológicas, Factores de Riesgo, Carga Viral
Dental pain, use of dental services and oral health-related quality of life in southern Brazil
Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract This study aimed at assessing the relationship between dental pain and the reason for using dental services and oral health quality of life in people aged 50 to 74 years in southern Brazil. A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted with 720 individuals aged 50 to 74 years, living in...
Actividades Cotidianas, Brasil/epidemiología, Estudios Transversales, Servicios de Salud Dental/estadística & datos numéricos, Estado de Salud, Persona de Mediana Edad, Salud Bucal/estadística & datos numéricos, Prevalencia, Calidad de Vida, Factores Socioeconómicos, Encuestas y Cuestionarios, Odontalgia/epidemiología
The relevance of clinical and radiographic features of jaw lesions: A prospective study
Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract The study was carried out in a Brazilian population and the aim was to describe the prevalence and the clinic-radiographical features of jaw lesions. In addition, a comparison between the main diagnosis hypothesis and final diagnosis was accessed. A prospective study which evaluated all patients...
Distribución por Edad, Biopsia, Brasil/epidemiología, Enfermedades Maxilomandibulares/diagnóstico por imagen, Enfermedades Maxilomandibulares/epidemiología, Enfermedades Maxilomandibulares/patología, Persona de Mediana Edad, Tumores Odontogénicos/diagnóstico por imagen, Tumores Odontogénicos/epidemiología, Estudios Prospectivos, Radiografía Panorámica, Distribución por Sexo
Validity of periodontitis screening questions in a Brazilian adult population-based study
Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract Population-based studies assessing self-reported periodontal questions in low-income countries are lacking, and therefore we aimed to assess the accuracy of self-reported periodontal items in Brazil. One thousand one hundred and forty adults from Florianópolis, Brazil, had their periodontium cl...
Distribución por Edad, Área Bajo la Curva, Brasil/epidemiología, Autoevaluación Diagnóstica, Tamizaje Masivo/métodos, Persona de Mediana Edad, Periodontitis/diagnóstico, Periodontitis/epidemiología, Prevalencia, Reproducibilidad de los Resultados, Autoinforme/normas, Sensibilidad y Especificidad, Distribución por Sexo, Factores Socioeconómicos
Black stains and dental caries in Brazilian schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study
Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of black stains (BS) and factors associated with their occurrence and to investigate the association of BS with caries experience after adjusting for other risk indicators. A school-based, cross-sectional study using multistage sampling of child...
Maternal care influence on children's caries prevalence in southern Brazil
Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the influence of specific maternal-factors on caries prevalence in offspring. This cross sectional study was conducted in Pelotas, Brazil nested in a cohort of adolescent mothers with children aged 24-42 months. A questionnaire was administered to collect informat...
Trend of traumatic crown injuries and associated factors in preschool children
Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess trends in traumatic crown injuries (TCIs), their prevalence, and association with socioeconomic and clinical factors in preschool children over a 5-year period. A series of cross-sectional surveys was conducted in Santa Maria, Brazil, on children attending a N...
Association between oral health status and central obesity among Brazilian independent-living elderly
Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between oral health status and central obesity (CO) in Brazilian independent-living elderly. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 489 elderly, who were participants of the Study on Aging and Longevity, in Londrina, state ...
Distribución por Edad, Brasil/epidemiología, Estudios Transversales, Prótesis Dental/estadística & datos numéricos, Estado de Salud, Vida Independiente, Modelos Logísticos, Persona de Mediana Edad, Rehabilitación Bucal, Obesidad Abdominal/epidemiología, Obesidad Abdominal/etiología, Salud Bucal, Prevalencia, Factores de Riesgo, Distribución por Sexo, Factores Socioeconómicos, Pérdida de Diente/complicaciones, Pérdida de Diente/epidemiología, Circunferencia de la Cintura