Resumen Objetivo: Comparar los resultados obtenidos de diferentes sistemas de identificación de C. auris. Métodos: Análisis descriptivo con datos recopilados durante 2016-19 mediante la vigilancia nacional. Se evaluaron los resultados generados por los sistemas MicroScan, Phoenix BD, VITEK 2 y MAL...
COVID-19, the new pandemic is associated to SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. Social distancing and the testing have been the principal measures that have shown to be effective for the reduction of critical cases. Although the gold standard for diagnosis of COVID-19 is the RT-PCR, rapid serological tests could...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the content of the defining characteristics of the Disturbed Sleep Pattern Nursing Diagnosis (00198) in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Method: content analysis performed by specialists who achieved a score equal to or greater than five, according to established ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to know how mothers affected by the Zika virus during pregnancy became aware on the diagnosis of Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome in their child and to understand the way in which the communication of the diagnosis was transmitted. Method: a qualitative approach study, with interpreta...
ABSTRACT Cocaine use is associated with several rheumatic syndromes. A series of cases is presented of 10 patients (7 male and 3 female), age at onset: 19-38 years-old. They consulted due to a variety of symptoms: fever, arthritis, swollen hands, stroke, fetal losses, arterial hypertension, alveolar hemo...
ABSTRACT Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a vasculitic disease with an infrequent involvement of the central nervous system. This can lead, in rare cases, to hypertrophic pachymeningitis (HP), which is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis that cause a thickening of dura mater. At present, ...
RESUMEN La combinación de sarcoidosis y linfoma (síndrome sarcoidosis-linfoma) es una asociación poco frecuente pero reconocida en el ámbito clínico. Algunas manifestaciones pueden ser comunes entre estas entidades, por lo que es un reto para el clínico diferenciar cada enfermedad por separado o si...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Ergotism is a vasospasm that affects visceral and peripheral muscle arteries. Classically, symmetrical involvement of lower limb arteries is described, and is often associated with a history of chronic consumption of ergotamine derived medications (Cafergot). Case report: A 22 ye...
RESUMEN La enfermedad de Behcet es una entidad clínica autoinflamatoria, de etiología desconocida, generalmente con compromiso sistémico, con un patrón de exacerbación y remisión frecuente que se asocia a retraso en el diagnóstico. El diagnóstico de esta enfermedad es complejo, por esta razón pr...