Results: 1019

Care coordination and longitudinality in primary health care in the Brazilian Amazon

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the attributes of primary health care, care coordination and longitudinality, from the perception of the professional and patients in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. Methods: quantitative evaluative study, in which was used an external evaluation instrument with 469 prof...

Implementation of the protocol of nursing care in trauma in aeromedical service

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the implementation of a nursing care protocol for trauma patients before, during and after the flight. Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study carried out in an aeromedical service, using a checklist with 106 care: 79 before flight, 25 during, and 2 after flight. 97 ...

Reflections on equity and its applicability to the nursing work process

ABSTRACT Objectives: to reflect on the principle of equity from the perspective of social justice and its applicability in the dimensions of the nursing work process. Methods: theoretical essay on the challenges for the practice with equity in the dimensions of the Nursing work process: teaching, care,...

Theoretical model of nursing care for children with obesity

ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe a theoretical model of nursing care for children with obesity in Primary Health Care. Methods: Grounded Theory and the theoretical/philosophical framework of Virginia Henderson were used. The research was conducted in Family Basic Health Units and in Specialized Service...

Content Translation And Validation Of The Pediatric PIV Infiltration Scale Into Brazilian Portuguese

ABSTRACT Objectives: to translate, adapt and validate the PIV Infiltration Scale content into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: a methodological study. Initial translation was performed by two bilingual translators, translation synthesis; backtranslation to the original language; elaboration of the transl...

Nursing process for a patient with needle phobia: a case study

ABSTRACT Objectives: to report a clinical case of needle phobia which culminated in cardiac arrest and describe the outcome of a care plan based on fear and anxiety diagnoses, using the Roy adaptation model as the framework. Methods: case study conducted in a chemotherapy outpatient unit in Rio de Jane...

Paulo Freire's research itinerary: contributions for promoting health in the teaching profession

ABSTRACT Objectives: examine Paulo Freire's research itinerary as a theoretical-methodological framework and its contributions for promoting health in the teaching profession. Methods: qualitative participatory action research coordinated with Paulo Freire's itinerary, carried out in culture circles, f...

Health evaluation: health assessment for people with ostomies

ABSTRACT Objectives: to perform an evaluation study of the Ostomy Care Service in Brazil. Methods: a qualitative methodology was used, with a collaborative approach of the participants using the service, based on the seven elements proposed by Thurston and Ramaliu, which include service modeling and ev...

The influence of nursing activities score on clinical alarms service

ABSTRACT Objectives: to estimate the magnitude of the Nursing Activities Score effect on multiparametric monitor alarm response and staff response time. Methods: an observational, cross-sectional study outlined as an open cohort, performed in an Adult General Intensive Care Unit. The time taken for ala...

Performance of nurses in the bed management service of a teaching hospital

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the performance of nurses in the Bed Management service of a public teaching hospital. Methods: descriptive, qualitative research inspired by Dubois theoretical model. 32 participants from the bed management unit and care units of a public hospital were interviewed from ...