Results: 89

Comparison of deflection forces of esthetic archwires combined with ceramic brackets

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Coated archwires and ceramic brackets have been developed to improve facial esthetics during orthodontic treatment. However, their mechanical behavior has been shown to be different from metallic archwires and brackets. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the deflection forces in coa...

Stability of beta-titanium T-loop springs preactivated by gradual curvature

ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluate changes in the force system of T-Loop Springs (TLS) preactivated by curvature, due to stress relaxation. Methods: Ninety TLSs measuring 6 x 10 mm, produced out with 0.017 x 0.025-in TMA® wire and preactived by gradual curvature, were randomly distributed into nine groups ...

Color stability of esthetic coatings applied to nickel-titanium archwires

Introduction: Color stability is an important feature to be considered when using esthetic coated archwires. Objective: To evaluate color changes on the surface of esthetic nickel-titanium archwires coated with Teflon (Ortho Organizers, USA) or epoxy resin (Tecnident, Brazil) after immersion in staining...

Quantification of Streptococcus mutans in Different Types of Ligature Wires and Elastomeric Chains

Braz. dent. j; 28 (4), 2017
Abstract This study aimed to test the hypothesis that Streptococcus mutans contamination levels differ according to the type of the orthodontic ligature. Thirteen patients were selected. Each quadrant was randomly subjected to one of the following ligature-use protocols: I) elastomeric chain, II) steel l...

Mechanical properties of orthodontic wires on ceramic brackets associated with low friction ligatures

Introduction: Few studies investigated the mechanical properties of orthodontic wires on ceramic brackets associated the ligatures. Objective: This study aimed to compare the load-deflection of orthodontic wires with round section of 0.016" made of stainless steel (SS), nickel-titanium (NiTi) and glass ...

Efectividad de la retención post ortodoncia en pacientes de 12-35 años relacionada con 2 tipos de retención fija. Revisión sistemática de la literatura

Odontoestomatol; 19 (29), 2017
Identificar la efectividad de la retención post ortodoncia en pacientes de 12 a 35 años con dos tipos de retención fija, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Método: Se identificaron las publicaciones mediante búsqueda electrónica en las bases de datos: Cochrane, Pubmed, Science Di...

Tracción de canino maxilar izquierdo impactado con botón bondeable, ligadura metálica y cadena elastomérica

Se presenta una paciente con 13 años y 7 meses de edad, el motivo de consulta fue "un colmillo en el paladar"; es clase I molar bilateral, clase I canina derecha con el canino infantil 53, clase II canina derecha, clase I canina izquierda, clase I esquelética, normodivergente, tiene apiñamiento dental...

Modificaciones cefalométricas esqueletales en pacientes Clase II División 1 tratados con Aparatología Bimler
Skeletals cefalometrics changes in Class II Division 1 patients treated with Bimler Appliance

Introducción: Durante el crecimiento y desarrollo del niño pueden aparecer desarmonías esqueletales a nivel del macizo cráneo-facial. Entre estas se encuentra el Síndrome de Clase ll División 1, siendo el avance mandibular una de las alternativas para su corrección. Con este fin el Dr. Bimler dise...

Early vertical correction of the deep curve of Spee

ABSTRACT Even though few technological advancements have occurred in Orthodontics recently, the search for more efficient treatments continues. This paper analyses how to accelerate and improve one of the most arduous phases of orthodontic treatment, i.e., correction of the curve of Spee. The leveling of...

Deflection and Flexural Strength Effects on the Roughness of Aesthetic-Coated Orthodontic Wires

Braz. dent. j; 28 (1), 2017
Abstract The aim was to evaluate the flexural strength and the effects of deflection on the surface roughness of esthetic orthodontic wires. The sample consisted of 70 archwire 0.014-inch: polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE)-coated Nickel-Titanium (Niti) archwires (Titanol Cosmetic-TC, Flexy Super Elastic Esth...