Results: 67

Urinary EN-2 to predict prostate cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Summary Introduction: Prostate cancer is the second type of cancer diagnosed and the fifth cause of death in men worldwide. Early diagnosis helps to control disease progression. Currently, prostate specific antigen is the standard biomarker, as it has a broad scope of identification and, thus, new and m...

Prostate specific antigen and acinar density: a new dimension, the "Prostatocrit"

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Background Prostate-specific antigen densities have limited success in diagnosing prostate cancer. We emphasise the importance of the peripheral zone when considered with its cellular constituents, the “prostatocrit”. Objective Using zonal volumes and asymmetry of glandular acini...

Predictive role of Trimprob associated with multiparametric MRI in the diagnosis of prostate cancer

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objectives To evaluate the predictive value of TRIMprob test to detect prostate cancer (PCa) in patients referred to prostate biopsy (PB). Material and Methods Patients with PSA <10ng/mL and rectal exam without findings suggestive of prostate cancer were selected for TRIMprob evaluation. ...

Preliminary assessment of neck circumference in benign prostatic hyperplasia in patients with metabolic syndrome

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objectives To investigate the impact of neck circumference (NC) in the treatment of bening prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients with metabolic syndrome (MtS). Additionally, we determined dose response to alpha-blockers and cut-off values for NC and waist circumference (WC), in these patients. ...

Predictive value of [-2]propsa (p2psa) and its derivatives for the prostate cancer detection in the 2. 0 to 10. 0ng/mL PSA range

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Introduction To assess predictive value of new tumor markers, precursor of prostate specific antigen (p2PSA) and its derivates-%p2PSA and prostate health index (PHI) in detection of patients with indolent and aggressive prostate cancer (PC) in a subcohort of man whose total PSA ranged from 2 t...

Serum testosterone as a biomarker for second prostatic biopsy in men with negative first biopsy for prostatic cancer and PSA>4ng/mL, or with PIN biopsy result

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (5), 2016
Abstract Introduction: Data from animal, clinical and prevention studies support the role of androgens in prostate cancer growth, proliferation and progression. Results of serum based epidemiologic studies in humans, however, have been inconclusive. The present study aims to define whether serum testost...

Long term outcome and side effects in patients receiving low-dose I125 brachytherapy: a retrospective analysis

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (5), 2016
ABSTRACT Objectives: To retrospectively evaluate the disease free survival (DFS), disease specific survival (DSS),overall survival (OS) and side effects in patients who received low-dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy with I125 stranded seeds. Materials and methods: Between july 2003 and august 2012, 274 pat...

Prostate cancer detection using multiparametric 3 – tesla MRI and fusion biopsy: preliminary results

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (5), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of transrectal ultrasonography (US) biopsy with imaging fusion using multiparametric (mp) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with suspicion of prostate cancer (PCa), with an emphasis on clinically significant tumors according to histologi...

Predictive risk factors of postoperative urinary incontinence following holmium laser enucleation of the prostate during the initial learning period

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT Purpose: To determine the predictive factors for postoperative urinary incontinence (UI) following holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) during the initial learning period. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 127 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia who underwent HoLEP between...

Bipolar transurethral enucleation and resection of the prostate versus bipolar resection of the prostate for prostates larger than 60gr: A retrospective study at a single academic tertiary care center

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of bipolar transurethral enucleation and resection of the prostate (B-TUERP) versus bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (B-TURP) in the treatment of prostates larger than 60g. Material and Methods: Clinical data for 270 BPH patients wh...