Results: 119

Características clínicas y quirúrgicas de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de válvula mitral en una ins titución de salud de Barranquilla, Colombia

Rev. méd. Panamá; 39 (3), 2019
Introducción: la incidencia de las anomalías valvulares cardiacas ha aumentado entre otras razones por los avances en métodos diagnósticos y conocimiento de predecesores etiológicos como desenca­ denantes de la condición clínica, que inicia la probabilidad diagnostica y seguimiento temprano en p...

HDL-C and non-HDL-C levels are associated with anthropometric and biochemical parameters

Dyslipidemias are associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Recently, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-c) has emerged as a new target for assessment and prediction of risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and is closely associated with atheroma plaque progression. Objec...

Factors associated with metabolic syndrome in older adults: a population-based study

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and clusters of its components and to identify possible associated factors in older adults. Method: Cross-sectional and population-based study, involving 271 older people. We collected sociodemographic, behavioral, clinical, bioch...

Photoanthropometry of the face in the young white brazilian population

Braz. dent. j; 29 (6), 2018
Abstract The aim of the present study is to describe the simplified facial pattern of young Brazilian men and women using the facial index (FI), upper face index (UFI), and nasal index (NI) in indirect anthropometric measurements applied to frontal photographic images. The images were obtained from 660 a...

Avaliação da espessura de tecido mole facial em uma população brasileira in vivo “a espessura do tecido mole facial em Brasileiros”

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 33 (4), 2018
Introdução: Hoje em dia há uma enorme demanda para identificação individual tanto no campo da justiça civil e criminal. Existem várias maneiras de identificar indivíduos, dependendo se ele está vivo ou morto (cadáver ou esqueleto). Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de criar um banco de dados para a...

Active Brazilian crack cocaine users: nutritional, anthropometric, and drug use profiles

Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status of crack users and to analyze its correlation with drug use profiles. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 108 crack users. Anthropometric data were assessed through body mass index (BMI) and bioimpedance (BIA) measurements. A blood test to analyze hematocrit...

Las diferencias antropométricas entre sexos de la columna lumbar, medidas por dxa, no afectan a todas las vértebras en forma uniforme: probable implicancia en la incidencia de fracturas
Gender anthropometric differences of the lumbar spine, measured by dxa, do not involve all vertebrae uniformly: probable implication in the incidence of fractures

Actual. osteol; 14 (3), 2018
Las fracturas vertebrales osteoporóticas son más frecuentes en la mujer. El segmento toracolumbar es el preferentemente comprometido, en especial las vértebras D11 a L2, mientras que L4 contribuye en una proporción mínima a este evento. El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar si el menor tam...

Cardiac sympathetic modulation increase after weight loss in combat sports athletes

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 24 (6), 2018
INTRODUCTION: Although the rapid weight loss process is undertaken by combat sports athletes very often, the impact of this practice on cardiovascular health is not fully understood. OBJECTIVE: To verify the effects of the rapid weight loss process undertaken by combat sports athletes on hemodynamic para...

Agreement between Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment and the nutritional assessment of the World Health Organization

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 94 (6), 2018
Abstract Objective: To assess the agreement between the results of the Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment questionnaire, adapted for children and adolescents of the Brazilian population, and the nutritional status assessment method through growth curves and the classification of the World Health O...

Physical performance, body composition and metabolic syndrome in military personnel from the brazilian army

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 24 (6), 2018
INTRODUCTION: The Brazilian Army (BA) considers Military Physical Training (MPT) essential for the development of physical conditioning and general health, including prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCDs), including metabolic syndrome (MS) risk factors. The evaluation of body composition ...