Results: 105

Hábitos alimentares das gestantes brasileiras: revisão integrativa da literatura

Resumo Os hábitos alimentares das mulheres grávidas são influenciados por diversos fatores, sendo essencial conhecê-los para poder realizar intervenções nutricionais na atenção pré-natal. O objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi analisar a produção bibliográfica sobre hábitos alimentares de...

Case management as a high-risk prenatal care strategy

ABSTRACT Objective: to discuss the benefits of using high-risk prenatal case management. Method: a qualitative, convergent care study with six high-risk pregnant women, performed in a municipality in the south of Brazil. Data were produced by case management from April to August of 2017 through observa...

O enfermeiro no pré-natal: expectativas de gestantes

Objetivo: Buscar evidências, aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a temática e descrever sobre a expectativa da gestante quando o enfermeiro é inserido em seu pré-natal. Método: Pesquisa de campo de cunho qualitativo, exploratório descritivo, realizada em uma Clínica da Família, localizada no Municíp...

Normas de cuidados preconcepcional, prenatal, parto, nacimiento y puerperio, seguros e inclusivos

El Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social reafirma su compromiso continuo en la atención de la salud de la mujer en edad fértil, que incluye, tanto el periodo preconcepcional, el embarazo, el parto, y el puerperio, así como la atención al recién nacido, que debe ser de calidad, segura e in...

Exercise in pregnancy: the impact of an intervention program in the duration of labor and mode of delivery

Abstract Objective To access the benefits or harms of an exercise program, based on the current American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists guidelines, on the mode of delivery, duration and onset of labor. Methods A study performed at the Hospital Senhora da Oliveira between October 2015 and ...

Betametasona fosfato para la prevención de Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria (SDR) del recién nacido de pretérmino
Betamethasone phosphate for the prevention of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in the preterm newborn

RESUMEN Introducción: El estándar para inducción de madurez pulmonar en fetos con riesgo de nacer prematuramente es la administración de 12 mg de betametasona acetato/fosfato por dos veces espaciada cada 24 horas. El uso establecido en algunos hospitales públicos en Chile es con dos dosis de 12 mg ...

Apgar scoring system in Brazil's live births records: differences between home and hospital births

Abstract Objective To promote informed choice for women and to compare home andhospital births in relation to the Apgar score. Methods Mother's profile and Apgar score of naturally born infants (without forceps assistance) in Brazil between 2011 and 2015, in both settings-hospital or home-were collec...

Effectiveness of insulin analogs compared with human insulins in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis

Abstract Diabetes during pregnancy has been linked to unfavorable maternal-fetal outcomes. Human insulins are the first drug of choice because of the proven safety in their use. However, there are still questions about the use of insulin analogs during pregnancy. The objective of the present study was to...

Management of prenatal nursing care at a Health Center in Angola

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand how care management in prenatal care in a Care Center in Angola happens. Method: A qualitative study, which used the Constructivist Grounded Theory (GT) as a methodological framework. The theoretical sample consisted of 22 participants, including nursing professionals,...

Recommendations of physical activity and rest in a Colombian prenatal control program

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of the registry of physical activity and rest recommendations made to pregnant women and to explore their associated factors in a prenatal care program of primary care public institutions in Bucaramanga, Colombia. METHODS An observational study was conduc...