Results: 66

Validação experimental da subexpressão de C3a do sistema complemento no plasma de pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de pênis
Experimental validation of the complement protein C3a down expression in the plasma of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the penis

O carcinoma epidermóide do pênis (CEP) representa 95% dos tipos de câncer de pênis. No Brasil, a incidência é de 2,7%, mas em algumas áreas do país, a incidência pode chegar a 17% dos casos diagnosticados de câncer por ano. É uma doença agressiva cuja sobrevida em 5 anos pode variar entre 85%...

Biomarkers as predictors of mortality in critically ill patients with solid tumors

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Biochemical markers produced by the affected organ or body in response to disease have gained high clinical value due to assess disease development and being excellent predictors of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to analyze different biochemical markers in critically cancer pa...

Thyroglobulin levels before radioactive iodine therapy and dynamic risk stratification after 1 year in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer

ABSTRACT Objectives: We sought to assess the relationship between stimulated thyroglobulin (sTg) before radioactive iodine therapy (RIT), and the dynamic risk stratification 1 year after treatment, and to establish the utility of the sTg as a predictor of response to therapy in these patients. A retrosp...

Serum ghrelin levels in papillary thyroid carcinoma

ABSTRACT Objective Ghrelin plays a role in several processes of cancer progression, and numerous cancer types express ghrelin and its receptor. We aimed to investigate serum levels of ghrelin in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and its association with the prognostic factors in PTC. Mat...

SCUBE1: a promising biomarker in renal cell cancer

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate the efficacy of signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein 1 (SCUBE-1) as a novel biomarker of renal tumors. Materials and Methods 48 individuals were included in the study. The patient group (Group-1) consisted of 23 subjects diagnosed with renal tumor, and the ...

Tumor del estroma gastrointestinal y trasplante renal
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor and renal transplant

Medicina (B.Aires); 77 (4), 2017
El tumor estromal gastrointestinal (GIST) representa alrededor del 1% de todos los tumores digestivos y su aparición en pacientes trasplantados renales es infrecuente. Aproximadamente el 95% muestra tinción positiva para c-kit/CD117. DOG1 es un anticuerpo recientemente descrito que se sobre-expresa en ...

Experimental study of peripheral-blood pro-surfactant protein B for screening non-small cell lung cancer

Acta cir. bras; 32 (7), 2017
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the possibility of using peripheral-blood presurfactant protein B (Pro-SFTPB) for screening non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: A total of 873 healthy volunteers and 165 lung cancer patients hospitalized in the Fifth People's Hospital of Dalian were tested Pro-SFT...

Can neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio predict lamina propria invasion in patients with non muscle invasive bladder cancer?

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective Recent studies have demonstrated the role of systemic inflammation in the development and progression of cancer. In this study, we evaluated whether preoperatively measured neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) can predict lamina propria invasion in patients with non-muscle-invasive b...

Recomendaciones metodológicas para el monitoreo molecular BCR-ABL1 en pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica por pcr cuantitativa en tiempo real
Guidelines for molecular monitoring of BCR-ABL1 in chronic myeloid leukemia patients by RT-qPCR

Medicina (B.Aires); 77 (1), 2017
Actualmente las guías clínicas para el manejo de pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica incluyen el monitoreo molecular de BCR-ABL1 por PCR cuantitativa en tiempo real; esta metodología permite definir la respuesta molecular. A pesar de la probada importancia pronóstica de la respuesta molecular, e...

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer: pathologic complete response rate, predictive and prognostic factors

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 50 (2), 2017
The purpose of this study was to retrospectively review the pathologic complete response (pCR) rate from patients (n=86) with stage II and III HER2-positive breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy at our institution from 2008 to 2013 and to determine possible predictive and prognostic factors...