Results: 75

Nursing Care in Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Scoping Review

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify and map nursing care to the adult patient with Healthcare-Associated Infections admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Method: Scoping Review, conducted in January 2018, through the search of studies in national and international databases, journals, catalogs of theses and...

Restrictive measure for the commercialization of antimicrobials in Brazil: results achieved

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess whether the incidence of hospital infection by a resistant microorganism decreased after the implementation of the restrictive measure of the National Health Surveillance Agency for the commercialization of antimicrobials. METHODS A historical cohort study of medical reco...

Vigilancia de las enfermedades invasivas por streptococcus pyogenes

Situación nacional de este tipo de infecciones, del que se observa un incremento global en las últimas décadas, en Europa y Norte América, sin que la causa haya sido determinada. En Argentina, los serotipos prevalentes, en base a datos aportados por el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia- por él iden...

Patient safety and infection control: bases for curricular integration

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze curricular integration between teaching of patient safety and good infection prevention and control practices. Method: Integrative review, designed to answer the question: "How does curricular integration of content about 'patient safety teaching' and content about 'infec...

Hand hygiene: nurses' adherence after training

ABSTRACT Objective: Hand hygiene plays a key role in the prevention of healthcare-associated infections. Therefore, this study aims to analyze nurses' adherence to hand hygiene and identify intervention strategies to improve this procedure. Method: Integrative literature review, using the Cochrane meth...

Imunização na gravidez, puerpério e amamentação
Immunization in pregnancy, puerperium and breastfeeding

Femina; 46 (2), 2018
A vacinação materna representa uma ferramenta promissora na melhoria da saúde materna e infantil para diversas condições infecciosas. A maior susceptibilidade das gestantes às condições infecciosas, assim como a capacidade da mãe transferir anticorpos através da placenta, oferecendo proteção ...

Impacto de un programa de reducción de infección asociada a catéter en 9 unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátrico en Argentina

Arch. argent. pediatr; 116 (2), 2018
Las infecciones asociadas a catéteres (IAC) conllevan elevada morbimortalidad, con el aumento del uso de recursos hospitalarios. Objetivo. Describir los resultados de un programa para disminuir la tasa de IAC en las unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de Argentina. Población y métodos. Estudi...

Cuidados de enfermagem para a prevenção de infecção em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise
Nursing care for the prevention of infection in patients undergoing hemodialysis

Rev. cuba. enferm; 34 (1), 2018
RESUMO Introdução: Os pacientes com doença renal crônica, submetidos à hemodiálise, apresentam frequentemente risco para infecção, sendo papel fundamental da equipe de enfermagem, atuante na unidade nefrológica, possuir conhecimento amplo acerca dos princípios do controle de infecção. Objet...

Comportamiento de las infecciones en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico "Dr. Miguel Enríquez"
Behavior of infections in the Neurosurgery Service of "Dr.Miguel Enríquez" Clinical and Surgical Hospital

Introducción: El estudio de las infecciones en la historia de la Medicina data de 1546, y se extiende su investigación hasta nuestros días. El abordaje quirúrgico del Sistema nervioso y la estadía hospitalaria subsecuente hace de esta entidad una amenaza constante para el éxito de la cirugía. Obje...

Design and efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector diseases in Latin America

Salud pública Méx; 60 (1), 2018
Abstract: Objective: To design and analyze the efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector-borne-diseases for specific stakeholders. Materials and methods: Multiple stakeholders and sectors of the region were consulted to identify Ecohealth group-specific ...