Results: 65

Are high flow arteriovenous accesses associated with worse haemodialysis?

J. bras. nefrol; 40 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Introduction: An arteriovenous (AV) access flow (Qa) of 400 mL/min is usually sufficient for an effective hemodialysis (HD), but some accesses continue developing and become high flow accesses (HFA). Some authors postulated that an HFA might shift a significant portion of dialyzed blood from th...

Adsorción extracorpórea de citoquinas en el tratamiento del shock séptico refractario: casos clínicos

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (6), 2018
If Septic shock (SS) evolves to refractory SS, mortality could reach 90%, despite giving an optimal treatment. Nowadays, extracorporeal devices which adsorb inflammatory cytokines are available, reducing the systemic inflammatory response syndrome. These devices can be used with continuous renal replacem...

Central venous catheter for hemodialysis: incidence of infection and risk factors

ABSTRACT Objective: To measure the incidence of infection in short-term central venous catheter for hemodialysis and to identify the associated risk factors. Method: Prospective cohort study conducted in a teaching hospital from September 2015 to April 2016. Patients requiring central venous catheter f...

The effect of hemodialysis on the body composition and cardiovascular disease markers in recently diagnosed end stage renal disease patients

SUMMARY AIM: Uremic toxins and excess fluid contributes to increased cardiovascular (CV) risk. We aimed to determine the body fluid status in patients who are just starting hemodialysis (HD) and to determine the effects of excess fluid removed by HD on the CV system. METHODS: A total of 52 patients wit...

Construction and validation of forms: systematization of the care of people under hemodialysis

ABSTRACT Objective: create and validate forms to subsidize the systematization of nursing care with people on hemodialysis. Method: institutional case study to support the systematization of assistance from the construction of forms for data collection, diagnoses, interventions and nursing results, usi...

Adesão de portadores de doença renal crônica em hemodiálise ao tratamento estabelecido

Resumo Objetivo: Identificar o comportamento de adesão do paciente renal crônico ao regime terapêutico nas suas quatro dimensões: hemodiálise uso de medicamentos, dieta e restrição hídrica. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em dois centros de hemo...

Clinical trial for the control of water intake of patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the impact of an educational and motivational intervention for patients with a chronic kidney disease, undergoing hemodialysis treatment, on the control of fluid intake during interdialytic periods. Method: a quasi-experimental, non-randomized clinical trial with patients...

Nursing educational intervention for the identification of Adverse Events in hemodialysis

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop an educational program aimed at the qualification of the nursing technicians that makes possible the understanding of Adverse Events (AE), aiming to adapt the data records; to elaborate tools for the records of the AE in hemodialysis patients; and to assess the knowledge b...

Fístulas arterio-venosas trombosadas para hemodiálisis y su tratamiento
Thrombosed hemodyalisis arteriovenous fistulae and their treatment

Introducción: La trombosis constituye la principal causa de disfunción y pérdida de las fístulas arterio-venosas para hemodiálisis. Objetivo: actualizar los aspectos relacionados con los principales tratamientos de las fístulas arterio-venosas trombosadas. Fuente de los datos: Se realizó la búsqu...

Cultural adaptation of The End-Stage Renal Disease Adherence Questionnaire for hemodialysis patients

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the stages in the cultural adaptation of "The End-Stage Renal Disease Adherence Questionnaire" for use in Brazil. Method: A descriptive, transversal study with a quantitative approach. The cultural adaptation followed the steps of translation, professional committee, bac...