Results: 135

Polycystic ovary syndrome associated with increased adiposity interferes with serum levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 differently from leptin and adiponectin

ABSTRACT Objective The aim of this study was to investigate polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and to explore the relationship between body fat percentage and metabolic markers. Subjects and methods Sedentary women were assigned to PCOS (N = 60) and CONTROL (N = 60) groups. Each group was subdivided in...

Food processing and cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To systematically review the evidence for the association between food consumption according to processing and cardiometabolic factors in adults and/or the elderly. METHOD Two independent evaluators analyzed the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Lilacs until December ...

Morbidades referidas por professores de medicina

Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência do relato de diagnóstico médico de doenças crônicas e fatores associados entre professores. Métodos: Estudo transversal em amostra do tipo censo do corpo docente do curso de medicina de uma universidade da Região Sul do Brasil, utilizando-se como instrumento o que...

NLRP3 inflammasome in metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a serious health problem worldwide; it is characterized by a group of metabolic disorders, including central obesity, insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia with accelerated atherosclerosis, hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and elevated uric acid wit...

Sepsis neonatal: epidemiología
Neonatal sepsis: epidemiology

Objetivo: Evaluar la epidemiología de la sepsis neonatal en los recién nacidos atendidos en emergencia pediátrica del HUC del 1 de enero 2017 al 31 de diciembre del 2017. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, que incluyó a los recién nacidos con diagnóstico de sepsis neonatal. Se recolectaron...

Association of obesity and anovulatory infertility

ABSTRACT Objective To verify the association of obesity and infertility related to anovulatory issues. Methods This case-control study was carried out with 52 women, aged 20 to 38 years, divided into two groups (infertile − cases − and fertile − control), seen at outpatient clinics, i...

Relación entre enfermedades reumáticas y diabetes mellitus
Relationship between rheumatic diseases and diabetes mellitus

Rev. cuba. reumatol; 21 (3), 2019
Introducción: las enfermedades reumáticas son consideradas como un grupo de afecciones que se presentan principalmente en personas mayores de 40 años de edad, aunque pueden presentar en edades tempranas de la vida. Se describen una serie de factores que pueden precipitar la aparición de las mismas, ...

Artritis Gotosa. 10 años de Seguimiento
Artritis Gotosa. 10 años de Seguimiento

Rev. cuba. reumatol; 21 (3), 2019
Introduction: gouty arthritis is a persistent metabolic disease that produces an increase of the circulating uric acid, with the resulting deposit of monosodic urate crystals in the tissues. Objective: to characterize patients with gouty arthritis clinically and epidemiologically. Methods: a descript...

Presence of ascites in bullfrog breeders reared and kept on a frog farm

Ascites is a pathology characterized by the extravasation of fluid from blood vessels and its accumulation in the abdominal cavity, caused by several associated factors. In this paper, we report the occurrence of this syndrome in breeding male and female Bullfrogs fed a commercial fish feed with 40% crud...