Results: 87

VIDA - Nursing v1. 0 immersive virtual reality in vacuum blood collection among adults

Objective: to develop and validate the first immersive virtual reality simulation addressing vacuum blood collection in adult patients - VIDA-Nursing v1.0. Method: methodological study to validate 14 steps of the vacuum blood collection procedure in adults, designed to develop the immersive virtual real...

Impact of demonstration in a realistic simulation environment as a postoperative education in patients' experience

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the impact of training in the Practical Life Room on patients experience during hospitalization. Methods Subjects submitted to orthopedic surgeries were randomized to two groups (Control and Intervention) in the postoperative period. The Control Group received only the pr...

Neurosurgery Simulators Developed for Neurosurgical Training in Brazil: A Systematic Review

Arq. bras. neurocir; 38 (4), 2019
Introduction Simulation in neurosurgery is a growing trend in medical residency programs around the world due to the concerns there are about patient safety and the advancement of surgical technology. Simulation training can improve motor skills in a safe environment before the actual setting is initiate...

Self-confidence in the care of critically ill patients: before and after a simulated intervention

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the self-confidence of nurses in the care of critically ill patients, before and after a simulated intervention. Method: A quasi-experimental study was carried out with 103 nurses who participated in a workshop on the care of critically ill patients in the first semester...

Homemade laparoscopic simulator

Acta cir. bras; 34 (10), 2019
Abstract Purpose: To describe a guide for the construction of a laparoscopic training simulator. Methods: Step-by-step description of an inexpensive and easy to assemble homemade laparoscopic training box, capable of simulating the laparoscopic environment in its peculiarities to enable technical skill...

Use of artisanal simulators in the ultrasound training for invasive procedures in nephrology: venous access and renal biopsy

J. bras. nefrol; 41 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Introduction: Vascular access and renal biopsy are common procedures in nephrology. In this study, two artisanal simulators of very low cost and excelent image quality are (prented) presented to guide, by ultrasound, the venous access and renal biopsy. Methods: The simulators are constructed u...

Simulation of difficult airway management for residents: prospective comparative study

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (4), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives Procedural simulation training for difficult airway management offers acquisition opportunities. The hypothesis was that 3 hours of procedural simulation training for difficult airway management improves: acquisition, behavior, and patient outcomes as reported 6 months...

Clinical simulation in nursing education in intensive therapy: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the publications on clinical simulation practices for education in Nursing in Intensive Care. Method: an integrative review carried out through LILACS, PubMed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL and SciELO databases, of articles published from 2008 to 2017. Results: 29 articles we...

Complications in the first 10 phacoemulsification cataract surgeries with and without prior simulator training

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 82 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate whether training medical residents with the Eyesi® cataract surgery simulator reduces the occurrence of intraoperative complications. Methods: This was a retrospective study in which the first 10 phacoemulsification surgeries performed by two groups of second-year ophthal...