Results: 65

Rheumatoid arthritis seems to have DMARD treatment decision influenced by fibromyalgia

Rev. bras. reumatol; 57 (5), 2017
Abstract Objective: To compare DMARD use in patients with and without FM over time, including overtreatment and undertreatment rates in both groups. Methods: A prospective cohort study with patients attending an RA outpatient clinic was conducted. Participants were consecutively recruited between March...

Effect of tadalafil 5mg daily treatment on the ejaculatory times, lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile function in patients with erectile dysfunction

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the effect of a 5mg daily tadalafil treatment on the ejaculation time, erectile function and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in patients with erectile dysfunction. Materials and Methods A total of 60 patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction were retrospective...

Farmacogenómica como herramienta fundamental para la medicina personalizada: aplicaciones en la práctica clínica

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (4), 2017
Pharmacogenomics is an emergent field aimed at tailoring pharmacological therapy. Genetic polymorphisms can modify the expression and function of enzymes and proteins involved in drug metabolism, affecting absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion as well as the drug-target interaction. T...

Control de embarazo y postparto en mujeres infectadas por HIV
Pregnancy and postpartum control in HIV infected women

Medicina (B.Aires); 77 (2), 2017
Presentamos los datos de un estudio descriptivo observacional retrospectivo realizado con el objetivo de evaluar las características de las mujeres embarazadas infectadas por HIV, analizar el nivel de control del embarazo y evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento y las pérdidas de seguimiento posterior al...

Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir in Mono-and HIV-coinfected Patients with Recurrent Hepatitis C After Liver Transplant

Ann. hepatol; 16 (1), 2017
Abstract: Background and aims. Pegylated interferon (Peg-INF) and ribavirin (RBV) based therapy is suboptimal and poorly tolerated. We evaluated the safety, tolerability and efficacy of a 24-week course of sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir without ribavirin for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) recurr...

Conversion to Mycophenolate Mofetil Monotherapy in Liver Recipients: Calcineurin Inhibitor Levels are Key

Ann. hepatol; 16 (1), 2017
Abstract: The use of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) after liver transplantation is associated with post-transplant nephrotoxicity. Conversion to mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) monotherapy improves renal function, but is related to graft rejection in some recipients. Our aim was to identify variables associate...

Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in Cirrhosis- How Long to Treat?

Ann. hepatol; 16 (1), 2017
Abstract: Introduction. Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) can reverse after short-term treatment. However, relapse rate of MHE after stopping treatment has not been studied so far. We aimed to evaluate long-term (9 months) efficacy of a short-term (3 months) treatment of MHE with lactulose/rifaximin...

Variação do volume de gotas de colírios lubrificantes disponíveis no mercado brasileiro

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 76 (1), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a variação intra e interexaminadores do volume de gotas dispensados de frascos de colírios lubrificantes disponíveis no mercado. Métodos: Foram estudados cinco frascos de colírios lubrificantes e dezenove voluntários participaram deste estudo. A massa média de gotas de ...

Terlipresina más albúmina versus midodrina y octreótide más albúmina en el tratamiento del síndrome hepatorrenal: un estudio clínico aleatorizado

Gastroenterol. latinoam; 28 (2), 2017

Eficacia de terapia concomitante sin bismuto en la erradicación de Helicobacter pylori en Chile: estudio prospectivo

Gastroenterol. latinoam; 28 (3), 2017
Standard triple therapy (TT), used massively as first-line empirical therapy for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication, has shown a progressive decrease in its effectiveness, probably due to increasing resistance to clarithromycin. Recent studies in Chile show eradication under 90%, a limit suggest...