Results: 83

High frequency jet ventilator ‒ a new approach in the management of anesthesia for pediatric cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: case series

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (6), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a technique used for evaluation of children with congenital heart diseases. General anesthesia ensures immobility, particularly in uncooperative patients. However, chest wall movements can limit good quality scans. Prolonged...

Will ultrasound replace the stethoscope?: a case report on neonatal one-lung ventilation

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (5), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives: One-lung ventilation and selective intubation in neonates can be challenging due to intrinsic physiological specificities and material available. Ultrasound (US) is being increasingly used in many extents of anaesthesiology including confirmation of endotracheal tube ...

Dilatación precoz de estenosis subglótica adquirida posintubación utilizando tubos endotraqueales

RESUMEN Introducción: La estenosis subglótica adquirida es una causa importante de estridor persistente después de una intubación endotraqueal. El diagnóstico y manejo tempranos pueden llevar a procedimientos menos invasivos con altas tasas de éxito. Si las lesiones agudas posintubación evolucion...

Risk factors for intraoperative hypoxemia during monopulmonary ventilation: an observational study

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (4), 2019
Abstract Background Left double-lumen endotracheal tubes have been widely used in thoracic, esophageal, vascular, and mediastinal procedures to provide lung separation. Lacking clear objective guidelines, anesthesiologists usually select appropriately sized double-lumen endotracheal tubes based on their...

Simulation of difficult airway management for residents: prospective comparative study

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (4), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives Procedural simulation training for difficult airway management offers acquisition opportunities. The hypothesis was that 3 hours of procedural simulation training for difficult airway management improves: acquisition, behavior, and patient outcomes as reported 6 months...

Síndrome de Beckwith˗ Wiedemann
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

El síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann es caracterizado por presentar onfalocele, macroglosia, visceromegalias e hipoglucemia neonatal además de una gran diversidad de anomalías clínicas y de laboratorio. Esta enfermedad también se conoce como síndrome de onfalocele, macroglosia y gigantismo. Los proble...

Monitoreo de presión de manguito de tubo endotraqueal

Rev. chil. anest; 48 (2), 2019
OBJECTIVE: Perform an objective monitoring of the endotracheal tube cuff pressure in patients under general anesthesia in the Anesthesiology Service of Hospital Privado de Córdoba. METHODS: It is a controlled, comparative, prospective study where the range of cuff pressures was analyzed at the beginning...

Resección de tumor traqueal
Tracheal tumor resection

Introducción: Los tumores primitivos de la tráquea son infrecuentes. Objetivo: Presentar la evolución de un paciente para resección de un tumor traqueal que ocluía el 95 por ciento de su luz. Caso Clínico: Disnea con tiraje supraesternal. No tolera el decúbito supino, presencia de tos y expectorac...

The role of videolaryngoscope in endotracheal intubation training programs

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 68 (5), 2018
Abstract Background Macintosh laryngoscopes are widely used for endotracheal intubation training of medical students and paramedics whereas there are studies in the literature that supports videolaryngoscopes are superior in endotracheal intubation training. Our aim is to compare the endotracheal intuba...

Inhalational anesthesia maintenance with the Janus facial mask for transcatheter aortic-valve replacement: a case series

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 68 (5), 2018
Abstract Background and objectives Aortic stenosis is the most common type of heart valve disease. Percutaneous aortic valve replacement has become the alternative for patients considered at high risk for surgery. Controlled mechanical ventilation with tracheal intubation has been the choice for this ty...