Results: 45

Efeitos de atividades psicomotoras no desenvolvimento motor de pré-escolares de cinco anos de idade

Introdução: crianças pré-escolares estão em fase de aquisição e aperfeiçoamento de habilidades motoras. Objetivo: avaliar o efeito de atividades psicomotoras na motricidade fina e global, equilíbrio, esquema corporal e organização espacial e temporal em pré-escolares. Método: participar...

Static and dynamic impairment following stroke reflecting hemispheric asymmetry for postural control

Acta sci., Health sci; 37 (2), 2015
This paper evaluates whether there is a relationship between postural control and hemispheric asymmetry following a stroke. Twenty right or left brain-damage patients and ten healthy control subjects were included in this study. The static (weight symmetry) and dynamic posture (velocity, maximal excursio...

Influences of hand dominance on the maintenance of benefits after home-based modified constraint-induced movement therapy in individuals with stroke

Objective: To investigate the influence of hand dominance on the maintenance of gains after home-based modified constraint-induced movement therapy (mCIMT). Method: Aprevious randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine the addition of trunk restraint to the mCIMT. Twenty-two chronic stroke survi...

Tiempo de reaccion a estimulacion visual dicotica y su relacion con la especializacion hemisferica cerebral
Reaction time to dichotic visual stimulation and its relationship to cerebral hemispheric specialization

Acta cient. venez; 50 (1), 1999
Existe un renovado interés en el estudo de la especialización hemisférica cerebral dada la relevancia fisiológica, fisiopatológica, clínica y educativa que posee. Según esto, un estímulo es procesado predominantemente en uno de los hemisferios cerebrales. La estimulación visual dicótica permite...