Results: 138

¿En qué medida la adversidad temprana y la depresión explican la satisfacción de pareja?

Summa psicol. UST; 17 (1), 2020
Las experiencias adversas durante la infancia pueden constituirse en eventos traumáticos que impactan la calidad de los vínculos y la salud mental a lo largo del ciclo vital, siendo la depresión un trastorno frecuente en quienes reportan estas vivencias. La depresión ha sido asociada positivamente a ...

Factores sociodemográficos y clínicos asociados a la satisfacción usuaria de cuidadores en un hospital pediátrico de alta complejidad

INTRODUCCIÓN: La calidad y seguridad de la atención constituyen pilares fundamentales del sistema de salud, basándose en el respeto por la dignidad y autonomía de los usuarios. Esto demanda que la atención considere características propias de las personas al evaluar su satisfacción con...

Serious Game e-Baby Família: an educational technology for premature infant care

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to develop and assess the serious game e-Baby Família with parents of premature infants. Methods: a methodological study regarding the development of the serious game, with participatory design in scope definition, starting from parents' learning needs about premature infant car...

Systematic review: Symptoms of parental depression and anxiety and offspring overweight

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the existing literature on the association between parents' depression and anxiety and their influence on their children's weight during childhood, identifying possible mechanisms involved in this association. METHODS A systematic search of the literature was conducted ...

Children's use of interactive media in early childhood - an epidemiological study

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the prevalence of interactive media (tablets and smartphones) use by children aged two to four years old, as well as to characterize this use, and investigate habits, practices, parents' participation and opinion about their child's interactive media use. Methods: A cr...

Parental care for infants with feeding tube: psychosocial repercussions

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the psychosocial repercussions experienced by caregiving parents, resulting from care for the child with dysphagic cleft lip and palate. Methods: qualitative study, developed in a tertiary hospital in September 2016. The sample defined by theoretical saturation consis...

Quality of life and upper limb function of children with neonatal brachial plexus palsy

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the upper limb function and quality of life between children with neonatal brachial plexus palsy and controls with unaffected brachial plexus (typical children). Methods: Twenty-four children with neonatal brachial plexus palsy and 24 typical ones were evaluated, both g...

Breaking bad news in a neonatal intensive care: the parents evaluation

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the reports of parents of newborns (NB) with congenital malformations hospitalized in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) who received bad news, in order to identify the issues related to the perception of bad news given adequately or inadequately. Methods: A cross-s...

Preparo dos pais de recém-nascido pré-termo para alta hospitalar: proposta de um protocolo

Objetivo: levantar na literatura os critérios para preparo dos pais para alta do RNPT e propor um protocolo para este fim. Metodologia: revisão bibliográfica integrativa, qualitativa e exploratória. Resultados: Emergiram da busca três categorias: educação dos pais quanto aos cuidados ao recém-nas...

Problemas de Salud Mental en Niños con Fisura Labiopalatina

Los niños que padecen enfermedades genéticas son una población vulnerable para desarrollar problemas de salud mental. Una de las anomalías congénitas más frecuentes es la fisura labiopalatina (FLAP). Objetivo: Estudiar el impacto a nivel familiar del diagnóstico de FLAP. Metodología: Alcance expl...