Results: 134

Evaluation of training on brief interventions for teachers: health contributions

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the impact of training on brief interventions for use of substances on the attitudes; and, face validity and internal consistency of Brazilian versions of the Drug and Drug Problems Perceptions Questionnaire (DDPPQ-br) and the Short Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perceptio...

Caregiver burden and stress in psychiatric hospital admission

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the relation between sociodemographics factors, stress and burden of care of family caregivers of patients at a psychiatric hospital admission. Method: quantitative study, with a cross-sectional correlation design. A total of 112 family caregivers participated, older tha...

Occupational stress and engagement in primary health care workers

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate levels of occupational stress and work engagement among primary health care workers. Method: A descriptive, correlational and transversal study was carried out in a small municipality in the countryside of São Paulo, with a non-probabilistic sample of convenience, with ...

Instruments for quality of life assessment in individuals with human papillomavirus

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify scientific evidence on quality of life measurement instruments used in individuals with infections caused by human papillomavirus. Method: This was an integrative review carried out from April 1995 to March 2017 in the LILACS, SciVerse Scopus, ISI Web of Science, CINAHL,...

Construct validation: coping with HIV/AIDS in Primary Health Care

ABSTRACT Objective: To validate the construct and measure the trustworthiness of a questionnaire aimed at assessing HIV/AIDS coping actions developed by health professionals in Primary Health Care. Method: A methodological study carried out with 397 primary health care professionals in two municipali...

Translation, validation and cultural adaptation of "The Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire-7" (ETDQ-7) to Brazilian Portuguese (BR)

Abstract Introduction: Chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction can cause several symptoms and middle ear conditions that can impact patient quality of life. It is estimated to be relatively frequent, affecting approximately 5% of adults. The diagnostic tools for this condition are still inadequate. In 2012,...

Análises psicométricas da Escala de Distorções Cognitivas Depressivas

As distorções cognitivas são erros lógicos de pensamentos que podem alterar a realidade do sujeito, causando possíveis sintomas depressivos. O objetivo do estudo foi construir um instrumento intitulado de Escala de Distorções Cognitivas Depressivas (EDICOD) e buscar evidências de validade baseada...

Adaptação transcultural para o Brasil e confiabilidade da Smoking Cessation Counseling

Resumo Objetivo Realizar a tradução e adaptação transcultural da escala "Smoking Cessation Counseling" para a língua portuguesa e o contexto brasileiro e avaliar a confiabilidade da versão adaptada. Métodos Pesquisa metodológica de adaptação transcultural que empregou as seguintes fases: tr...

Adaptación, validación y propiedades psicométricas de la "Escala de Evaluación del Estado de Crisis" (EEEC), en una muestra de estudiantes técnicos y universitarios en Colombia

Psychol. av. discip; 13 (1), 2019
Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio instrumental fue adaptar y analizar la validez y la fiabilidad de la "Escala de Evaluación del Estado de Crisis" (Crisis State Assessment Scale, CSAS; Lewis, 2005) en una muestra de 648 estudiantes colombianos en formación técnica o universitaria. La traducció...