LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 76

The role of Onodi cells in sphenoiditis: results of multiplanar reconstruction of computed tomography scanning

Abstract Introduction Onodi cells are the most posterior ethmoid air cells and extend superolateral to the sphenoid sinus. These cells are also intimately related with the sphenoid sinus, optic nerve, and carotid artery. Radiologic evaluation is mandatory to assess for anatomic variations before any tre...

Papiloma nasal escamoso bilateral Reporte de un caso

El papiloma escamoso sinunasal es un tumor de baja prevalencia, benigno y de presentación clínica usualmente unilateral. El manejo del papiloma escamoso sinunasal es la resección quirúrgica del tumor, a pesar de lo cual existe una alta tasa de recurrencia. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con papil...

Setting of an endoscopic nasal reference point for surgical access to the anterior base through an anatomical study on cadavers

Abstract Introduction: Diseases of paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, and skull base can be treated by endonasal operations using a nasal rigid endoscope. When conducting this kind of surgery, anatomical references are critical for safety. Objective: To measure the distance from the posterior wall of the...

The Imaging Appearance of Sinus Mycetoma: A Case Series

Sinus mycetoma is a dense accumulation of hyphae that form a rounded mass within the mucosal confines of a paranasal sinus. The aim of this study was to present a case series of three patients with maxillary sinus mycetoma and to describe their radiographic presentations. Three cases are presented. The f...

Comparison between magnesium sulfate and dexmedetomidine in controlled hypotension during functional endoscopic sinus surgery

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 65 (1), 2015
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It is crucial to decrease bleeding during functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Our primary goal was to investigate the effects of magnesium sulfate and dexmedetomidine used for controlled hypotension on the visibility of the surgical site. METHODS: 60 patients aged between 18 a...

Hemangiopericitoma nasosinusal: reporte de caso

Introducción: El hemangiopericitoma es un tumor vascular inusual originado de los pericitos que rodean los capilares, sólo el 10 al 15% de todos los hemangiopericitomas ocurren en cabeza y cuello. Su presentación clínica más frecuente es la de una masa nasal que sangra fácilmente con la manipulaciÃ...

Anatomic variations of sphenoid sinus pneumatization in a sample of Turkish population: MRI study

Int. j. morphol; 32 (4), 2014
There are a number of variations regarding morphometric anatomy and degree of pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus. In our study, we planned to examine and show the differences of pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus particularly to guide the neurosurgeon during transsphenoidal surgery. Sagittal T1-weigh...

Radiographic alterations of the frontal sinus morphology according to variations of the vertical angle in posteroanterior radiographs of the skull

Acta sci., Health sci; 36 (1), 2014
The frontal sinuses play a highly relevant role in comparative human identification processes. Since forensic radiology is a branch in the forensic sciences, adequate radiological analysis of the frontal sinuses is essential for comparative human identifications. The current study investigates radiograph...

Tuberculosis en senos paranasales
Tuberculosis in paranasal sinuses

Medisan; 18 (4), 2014
Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 56 años de edad, ingresado en el Servicio de Neumología del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, quien refería que desde hacía 2 años presentaba obstrucción nasal del lado izquierdo que había progresado a ambas ...