Results: 146

Efeitos do exercício passivo precoce em cicloergômetro na espessura muscular do quadríceps femoral de pacientes críticos: estudo-piloto randomizado controlado

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do exercício passivo precoce em cicloergômetro na espessura muscular (EM) do quadríceps femoral (EMQ) de pacientes críticos admitidos em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) de um hospital universitário terciário. O método utilizado foi um es...

Setenta y cinco años de rehabilitación cardiovascular en México

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 89 (3), 2019
Resumen Los pacientes que sufren una enfermedad cardiovascular requieren de atención médica integral que involucre las terapias y procedimientos necesarios para reintegrarlos de forma óptima a su vida personal, familiar, laboral y social. Las intervenciones dirigidas a alcanzar dichas metas se incluye...

Telemedicina en procesos de rehabilitación en pacientes con paraplejia bajo el contexto de Atención Primaria de Salud
Telemedicine in rehabilitation processes in patients with paraplegia under the context of Primary Health Care

Encontrar estrategias costo-efectivas para la rehabilitación y la educación del paciente con paraplejia, basado en sus necesidades, es menester para su abordaje integral, así como para la disminución de costos directos e indirectos. La telemedicina podría ser una herramienta adecuada. Este trabajo s...

Acute response to aerobic exercise on autonomic cardiac control of patients in phase iii of a cardiovascular rehabilitation program following coronary artery bypass grafting

Abstract Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the acute response to aerobic exercise on autonomic cardiac control of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: The study sample consisted of eight patients (age: 58.6±7.7 years; body mass index: 26.7±3.5 ...

Clinical research on lumbar oblique-pulling manipulation in combination with sling exercise therapy for patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To investigate clinical curative effects of lumbar oblique-pulling manipulation in combination with sling-exercise-therapy training on chronic nonspecific lower back pain. METHODS: A total of 60 patients with chronic nonspecific lower back pain in the Outpatient Department were inclu...

Aerobic exercise effects in renal function and quality of life of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease

SUMMARY BACKGROUND: To date, the therapeutic effects of exercise have not yet been evaluated regarding renal function parameters and quality of life specifically in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. Thus, the study aim was to evaluate the effects of aerobic exercise in renal function and qu...

Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento multicomponente en la marcha funcional en pacientes con Parkinson

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (4), 2019
Background: Multicomponent physical training in patients with Parkinson disease may improve their functional independence, especially in terms of gait speed and coordination. Aim: To assess the effects of an eight weeks multicomponent physical training program in patients with Parkinson disease. Materi...

Effects of a new approach of aerobic interval training on cardiac autonomic modulation and cardiovascular parameters of metabolic syndrome subjects

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effects of 16 weeks of periodized aerobic interval training (AIT) on cardiac autonomic modulation and cardiovascular parameters of metabolic syndrome (Mets) individuals. Subjects and methods: The sample was composed of 52 subjects with a diagnosis of Mets, allocated ...

Effects of resistance exercise training and stretching on chronic insomnia

Rev. bras. psiquiatr; 41 (1), 2019
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of resistance exercise and stretching on sleep, mood, and quality of life in chronic insomnia patients. Methods: Three 4-month treatments included: resistance exercise (n=10), stretching (n=10), and control (n=8). Sleep was evaluated with polyso...