Results: 71

Dermatitis seborreica como manifestación cutánea de sífilis primaria en paciente con SIDA
Seborrheic dermatitis as a cutaneous manifestation of syphilis in patient a with AIDS

Med. interna (Caracas); 34 (2), 2018
Existe una asociación epidemiológica entre sífilis e infección por VIH; las úlceras genitales favorecen la transmisión de Treponema pallidum y éste a su vez, la transmisión del VIH. La dermatitis seborreica (DS) se presenta en 2 a 4% de la población general; sin embargo, en los pacientes con inf...

Health care importance of Treponema pallidum, Chagas' disease and Human immunodeficiency virus 1 among Amerindians of Argentina: an observational study

Rev. argent. microbiol; 49 (4), 2017
The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of Treponema pallidum, Trypanosoma cruzi and Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) in five Amerindian populations of Argentina. A retrospective study was conducted among 857 Amerindian populations (112 Kollas, 298 Mbyá-guaraníes, 79 Sagua Huar...

Importance of anatomopathological analysis and histopathological examination for the diagnosis of suspected cases of syphilitic aneurysm

Introduction: syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by mycobacterium Treponema pallidum in which in its tertiary stage can lead to an aortic syphilitic aneurysm. Currently, such cases are rare because of the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. Objective: we aimed to carry out an anatomopatho...

Prevalencia del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, virus de la hepatitis B y Treponema pallidum en reclusos del Centro de Detención Preventiva de Arica, Chile

Rev. chil. infectol; 34 (5), 2017
Resumen Introducción: Los grupos de riesgo para las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) son trabajadores sexuales, drogadictos, la población joven de inicio sexual precoz, así como la población penal. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección por virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH)...

Descentralização do teste rápido para triagem de sífilis no município de Toritama – PE

A sífilis é considerada um problema de saúde pública mundial, caracterizada como uma doença infecciosa, de transmissão sexual adquirida e ou vertical, tem como agente etiológico o Treponema Pallidum, de fácil diagnóstico e tratamento. No cenário mundial, a sífilis apresenta-se como uma das pri...

Cerebrospinal fluid examination may be useful in diagnosing neurosyphilis in asymptomatic HIV+ patients with syphilis

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 74 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT Lumbar puncture in neurologically asymptomatic HIV+ patients is still under debate. There are different criteria for detecting neurosyphilis through cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), especially in cases that are negative through the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), regarding cellularity and...

Determinación de los genes, 16S ADNr, polA, y TpN47, en la detección de Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum para el diagnóstico de sífilis congénita

NOVA publ. cient; 13 (24), 2015
Objetivo. Comparar el comportamiento de tres genes diana 16S ADNr, polA, y TpN47, para la detección de T. pallidum subsp. pallidum. Métodos. Se usaron técnicas moleculares como la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en muestras de cordón umbilical. Mediante PCR convencional, PCR anidada y PCR en tie...

Oral injuries as syphilis diagnosis: case report

Syphilis can present a variety of clinical manifestations as a consequence of the tropism that Treponema pallidum causes to various organs and body tissues.The oral cavity can be affected in all stages of the disease, therefore diagnosis requires knowledge of multidisciplinary health professionals. Even ...

Sexually transmitted proctitis

Proctitis caused by sexually transmitted agents is usually taken for inflammatory bowel diseases, because of similar complaints, such as pain, bleeding and mucopurulent discharge, as well as the histopathology. Thus, its treatment is postponed and, sometimes, complications appear. The most common etiolog...