Results: 133

The modular nature of bradykinin-potentiating peptides isolated from snake venoms

Bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs) are molecules discovered by Sergio Ferreira - who found them in the venom of Bothrops jararaca in the 1960s - that literally potentiate the action of bradykinin in vivo by, allegedly, inhibiting the angiotensin-converting enzymes. After administration, the global p...

BaltDC: purification, characterization and infrared spectroscopy of an antiplatelet DC protein isolated from Bothrops alternatus snake venom

Background: Snake venoms are a complex mixture of proteins, organic and inorganic compounds. Some of these proteins, enzymatic or non-enzymatic ones, are able to interact with platelet receptors, causing hemostatic disorders. The possible therapeutic potential of toxins with antiplatelet properties may a...

Severe coagulopathy and transient hypertension following a Rhabdophis subminiatus bite: a case report

Abstract: Because the majority of colubrid species are considered harmless to human beings, colubrid snakebites are rarely reported. However, the venom of Rhabdophis, which is part of the Colubridae family, is procoagulant and leads to severe coagulopathy. Here, we present a case of disseminated intravas...

Efeito de cianoacrilatos e adesivo tissular a base de veneno de cobra na citotoxicidade sobre fibroblastos gengivais e estresse oxidativo sobre células do biofilme de C. albicans

A estomatite protética é uma patologia que acomete muitos usuários de prótese total. Um dos principais fatores da sua etiologia é a fácil adesão de microrganismos, como a Candida albicans, à resina acrílica, principalmente devido às características de superfície facilitadoras deste material. ...

Experimental Lachesis muta rhombeata envenomation and effects of soursop (Annona muricata) as natural antivenom

Background In the Atlantic forest of the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, local population often uses the fruit juice and the aqueous extract of leaves of soursop (Annona muricata L.) to treat Lachesis muta rhombeata envenomation. Envenomation is a relevant health issue in these areas, especially ...

Caracterización bioquímica y biológica del veneno de la serpiente Neotropical Macagua (Bothrops Colombiensis) de la región de Barlovento, estado Miranda, Venezuela
Biological and biochemical characterization of the Neotropical Macagua (Bothrops colombiensis) snake venom from Barlovento region, Miranda state, Venezuela

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 67 (2), 2015
Introducción: el veneno de B. colombiensis no es solamente un elemento tóxico; en su composición existen múltiples componentes, que tienen un gran potencial terapéutico, principalmente en el tratamiento de patologías de la trombosis y la coagulación. Objetivos: estudiar una mezcla de venenos de Bo...

Bordonein-L, a new L-amino acid oxidase from Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom: isolation, preliminary characterization and enzyme stability

Background Crotalus durissus terrificus venom (CdtV) is one of the most studied snake venoms in Brazil. Despite presenting several well known proteins, its L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO) has not been studied previously. This study aimed to isolate, characterize and evaluate the enzyme stability of bordonein...

Bothrops snake venoms and their isolated toxins, an L-amino acid oxidase and a serine protease, modulate human complement system pathways

Background Activation of the complement system plays an important role in the regulation of immune and inflammatory reactions, and contributes to inflammatory responses triggered by envenomation provoked byBothrops snakes. The present study aimed to assess whether Bothrops jararacussuand Bothrops pirajai...

Snake venom galactoside-binding lectins: a structural and functional overview

Snake venom galactoside-binding lectins (SVgalLs) comprise a class of toxins capable of recognizing and interacting with terminal galactoside residues of glycans. In the past 35 years, since the first report on the purification of thrombolectin from Bothrops atrox snake venom, several SVgalLs from Viperi...

Purification procedure for the isolation of a P-I metalloprotease and an acidic phospholipase A 2 fromBothrops atrox snake venom

Background Snake venoms are complex mixtures of inorganic and organic components, mainly proteins and peptides. Standardization of methods for isolating bioactive molecules from snake venoms is extremely difficult due to the complex and highly variable composition of venoms, which can be influenced by fa...