Results: 5186

Recomendación Clínica: “Recomendaciones para el manejo de pacientes con COVID-19 con indicación terapéutica de ventilación mecánica que eventualmente son conectados a máquinas de anestesia”
Recommendations for patient management with COVID-19 with therapeutic indication mechanical ventilation that eventually are connected to anesthesia machines

Rev. chil. anest; 49 (2), 2020
La pandemia de COVID-19 producida por SARS-CoV-2 actualmente en curso anticipa una gran demanda por ventiladores mecánicos (VM), ya que un porcentaje relevante de los contagiados cae rápidamente en insuficiencia respiratoria y requiere de cuidados intensivos. Anticipándose a ese exceso de demanda y co...

Recomendaciones para la ejecución de anestesia regional no obstétrica en perioperatorio de pacientes COVID-19
Recommendations for the execution of non-obstetric regional anesthesia in treatment of COVID-19 patients

Rev. chil. anest; 49 (2), 2020
En diciembre de 2019, surgió una serie de casos de neumonía causada por un nuevo coronavirus, denominado 2019-nCoV o SARS-CoV2. La propagación del virus ha sido extremadamente rápida y la organización mundial de la salud declaró a la enfermedad COVID-19, causada por 2019-nCoV, como una pandemia. En...

Recomendaciones para el manejo de pacientes con COVID19 en el perioperatorio
Recommendations for the management of patients with COVID19 in the perioperative period

Rev. chil. anest; 49 (2), 2020
En diciembre de 2019, una serie de casos de neumonía de causa desconocida surgieron en Wuhan, Hubei, China, con presentaciones clínicas muy parecidas a la neumonía viral. El análisis de secuenciación profunda de muestras del tracto respiratorio inferior indicó un nuevo coronavirus, que se denominó...

Effect of income on the cumulative incidence of COVID-19: an ecological study

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the relationship between per capita income and the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 in the neighborhoods of the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Method an ecological study using neighborhoods as units of analysis. The cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants an...

Estimation and prediction of COVID-19 cases in Brazilian metropolises

Objective to estimate the transmission rate, the epidemiological peak, and the number of deaths by the new coronavirus. Method a mathematical and epidemiological model of susceptible, infected, and recovered cases was applied to the nine Brazilian capitals with the highest number of cases of the infect...

Which curve provides the best explanation of the growth in confirmed COVID-19 cases in Chile?

Objective to explore the best type of curve or trend model that could explain the epidemiological behavior of the infection by COVID-19 and derive the possible causes that contribute to explain the corresponding model and the health implications that can be inferred. Method data were collected from the ...

COVID-19 and the production of knowledge regarding recommendations during pregnancy: a scoping review

Objective to map the production of knowledge regarding recommendations for providing care to pregnant women dealing with the novel coronavirus. Method scoping review, using a broadened strategy to search databases and repositories, as well as the reference lists in the sources used. Data were collected a...

Planejamento organizacional no contexto de pandemia por COVID-19: implicações para a gestão em enfermagem

J. Health NPEPS; 5 (1), 2020
Objetivo: refletir sobre o planejamento organizacional no contexto da pandemia por COVID-19 e as implicações para a gestão em enfermagem. Método: estudo téoricoreflexivo, realizado entre os dias 01 e 09 de junho de 2020 e baseado nos documentos emanados pela Direção Geral da Saúde de Portugal par...