Results: 1061

Chemical variability between different organs of the medicinal plant Casearia sylvestris

The phytochemical profile of essential oils and extracts from Casearia sylvestris leaves, flowers and fruits have been investigated here. Leaf and flower extracts were prepared by sonication and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. The phenolic content was det...

Linking the platelet antiaggregation effect of different strawberries species with antioxidants: metabolomic and transcript profiling of polyphenols

A comparative study of antioxidant properties, platelet antiaggregation activity and transcriptional analysis of flavonoid biosynthesis genes were performed in Fragaria x ananassa, F. vesca and F. chiloensis subsp chiloensis f. chiloensis and f. patagonica. Furthermore, differences in flavonoid content w...

Effect of Myracrodruon urundeuva and Qualea grandiflora extracts on viability and activity of microcosm biofilm and prevention of enamel demineralization in vitro

The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial and anti-caries effects of two plant extracts. The first chapter dealt with a review of the literature whose objective was to discuss the antimicrobial potential of Brazilian natural agents on the biofilm related to dental caries and gingiviti...

Obtención de un ingrediente activo microencapsulado con propiedades antiinflamatorias a partir de 8 plantas medicinales

El empleo de plantas medicinales por su gran disponibilidad y variedad de principios activos con importancia farmacológica, ha sido fuente de investigación para avances científicos. El presente estudio se centró en la obtención de un ingrediente activo antiinflamatorio a partir de los extractos etan...

Antimicrobial potential of pyroligneous extracts - a systematic review and technological prospecting

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (supl.1), 2018
Abstract Pyroligneous extract is applied in diverse areas as an antioxidant, an antimicrobial, and an anti-inflammatory agent. The discovery of new cost-effective antimicrobial agents of natural origin remains a challenge for the scientific community. This study aimed to conduct a systematic review and a...

Laboratory evidence for the hematopoietic potential of Beta vulgaris leaf and stalk extract in a phenylhydrazine model of anemia

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 51 (11), 2018
This study was designed to provide laboratory evidence supporting the hematopoietic effect of Beta vulgaris (beet) leaf aqueous extract in phenylhydrazine-induced anemia model in albino rats. Extraction of the leaves/stalks was done by maceration in 30% hydro-ethanol for 48 h. An intraperitoneal injectio...

Fotoprotetores bioativos contendo extrato de mirtilo (Vaccinium myrtillus L. ): caracterização físico-química e funcional

Os efeitos deletérios causados pela radiação ultravioleta (UV) e o aumento significativo no diagnóstico de câncer de pele, confirmam a necessidade de um progresso significativo na pesquisa de produtos fotoprotetores eficazes e seguros, para proteção eficaz da pele. As formulações atuais associam...

Inibição do sistema quorum sensing AI-1 por Capsicum frutescens e Capsicum annuum em bactérias Gram-negativas

A inibição do quorum sensing (QS) altera a comunicação bacteriana, reduzindo a expressão de fatores de virulência e a formação de biofilmes, o que pode conferir menor pressão seletiva em comparação aos antibióticos tradicionais. As frutas e hortaliças constituem uma fonte rica em compostos c...

Efeito de extratos orgânicos de variedades de cebola sobre o quorum sensing bacteriano

Muitos genes bacterianos são regulados pelo mecanismo de comunicação denominado quorum sensing (QS). Neste sistema, moléculas sinalizadoras ativam um comportamento de grupo, conforme a densidade celular, permitindo o controle da expressão gênica. Estudos sugerem o potencial de compostos extraídos ...

Analgesic effects of Marasmius androsaceus mycelia ethanol extract and possible mechanisms in mice

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 51 (4), 2018
Marasmius androsaceus is a medicinal fungus mainly used to treat various forms of pain in China. This study investigated the analgesic effects of an ethanol extract of M. androsaceus (MAE) and its potential molecular mechanisms. Oral administration of MAE (50, 200, and 1000 mg/kg) had significant analges...