Results: 1629

Maternal solitude before the new guidelines in SARS-COV-2 times: a Brazilian cutting

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (spe), 2021
ABSTRACT Aim To reflect on the lonely experience of women during the pregnancy-puerperal cycle in times of pandemic by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Method Theoretical-reflective study on the new Brazilian guidelines for care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum in times of Covid-19 and its in...

Impacto do estresse precoce de vida sobre a progressão da periodontite apical e da doença periodontal: estudo comportamental e histológico em ratos

Estímulos estressores durante a infância afetam negativamente as funções fisiológicas, alterando as respostas inflamatórias, imunes, neuro-hormonais e comportamentais. Há evidências de que o estresse precoce de vida (EPV) pode ser um fator de risco direto ou indireto para o desenvolvimento de alg...

COVID-19 and strategies to reduce anxiety in nursing: scoping review and meta-analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: to map the production of knowledge on the strategies used for the management of anxiety, in Nursing professionals, during the fight against COVID-19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Midlle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Method: a scoping review, followed by meta-an...

COMVC-19: A Program to protect healthcare workers' mental health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. What we have learned

Clinics; 76 (), 2021
OBJECTIVE: In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought a work and stress overload to healthcare workers, increasing their vulnerability to mental health impairments. In response, the authors created the COMVC-19 program. The program offered preventive actions and mental health treatment for the 22,000 workers...

Typological Profiles of Depression of College Students: Latent Classes and Controlling for Response Bias of the Baptista Depression Short-Scale (EBADEP-short)

Abstract Response styles and non-linearity might reduce the validity of scores on depression inventories. To address both issues, we explored the latent class structure of the Baptista's Depression Scale (EBADEP), and the influence of extreme response bias. In total, 1,137 Brazilian college students (M =...

Uma intervenção de Terapia Focada na Compaixão em grupos online no contexto da pandemia por COVID-19

Psico (Porto Alegre); 52 (3), 2021
A Terapia Focada na Compaixão (TFC) é uma abordagem de tratamento transdiagnóstico que visa desenvolver capacidades de calma e de afiliação como uma maneira de regular o sistema de ameaças, o que pode ser muito útil em situação de crise, como o caso da pandemia pelo COVID-19. Trata-se de um rela...

Video modelling technique used to manage the behaviour of uncooperative children in a dental set up

Braz. dent. sci; 24 (1), 2021
Objective: To investigate if video modelling is an effective technique in behaviour modelling of a child in a dental set up. Material and Methods: Fifty children aged 4-6 years indicated for pulpectomy were enrolled in this study. They were selected based on their ...

O ser humano é assim, sofre, mas alguns dias são piores: a percepção dos pacientes para o início do uso dos medicamentos psicotrópicos

RESUMO. O processo de medicalização da nossa sociedade, na atualidade, acontece em várias direções, indicando que todo e qualquer tipo de mal-estar pode ser tratado com medicamentos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi compreender o início do uso dos psicotrópicos para superar os problemas enfrentados no c...

Covid-19 and repercussions in mental health: a narrative review of literature

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (spe), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the repercussions on mental health of groups and populations in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic. Method: Narrative review carired out in three databases, in March 2020, using the descriptors mental health and coronavirus. A total of 19 publications were analy...

COVID-19 Ansiedad de Rasgo y estado en una población seleccionada de Argentina en un contexto de cuarentena extendida
COVID-19: anxiety of trait and status in a selected population of Argentina in a context of extended quarantine

Rev. argent. salud publica; 13 (Suplemento COVID-19), 2021
INTRODUCCIÓN: Un contexto de pandemia y aislamiento social puede potenciar la tríada emocional de ansiedad, miedo y angustia, ante la incertidumbre, los problemas económicos, el exceso de información y la escolaridad en línea, entre otros factores. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la a...