Results: 1019

Primary Health Care attributes in the context of indigenous health

ABSTRACT Objectives: to assess the attributes of Primary Health Care from the perspective of health professionals, comparing services in the Special Indigenous Health District and the Municipal Health Offices. Methods: a cross-sectional study in the Upper Rio Negro region, State of Amazonas, with 116 p...

Men's knowledge on body care: a cartographic study

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify men's knowledge on body care. Method: it is a cartographic study with a qualitative approach. The research was conducted with 70 men in the city of Boa Vista, state of Roraima. The strategy for data production was called the meeting. Participants were encouraged to think...

Negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of surgical site infection in cardiac surgery

ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe the relationship between epidemiological and clinical characteristics of postoperative cardiac surgery patients undergoing negative pressure wound therapy for the treatment of surgical site infection. Methods: an observational, cross-sectional analytical study including...

Generating meaningful conversation: World Café in strategic interprofessional planning in Continuing Education

ABSTRACT Objectives: to present the particularities of the World Café, identifying the main aspects that characterize a planning strategy for a constructive, interactive, and participative dialogue of the individuals, aiming at collaborative and innovative learning. Methods: a World Café method works...

Professional training and autonomy of nursing teachers in the qualification of higher education in nursing

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify the aspects related to professional training and autonomy of undergraduate nursing teachers of a public institution in Brasília, Federal District, in order to contribute to the course management and qualification. Methods: mixed method study conducted with 77 teachers....

Work weaknesses and potentials: perception of mobile emergency service nurses

ABSTRACT Objectives: to know nurses' perceptions about their work process in a Mobile Emergency Care Service. Methods: qualitative study conducted with 12 nurses whose speeches were submitted to Content Analysis. Results: there are weaknesses related to overload of activities, numerous functions, indi...

Nurses' work process in an emergency hospital service

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the nurses' work process in an Emergency Hospital Service. Methods: a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research conducted with 17 nurses from the emergency service of a high complexity hospital in southern Brazil. Data were collected through interviews, focus gro...

Art therapy and education between peers connecting the group: an experience report

ABSTRACT Objective: to report the "Talent Workshop: Art Therapy Connects the Group". Method: this is an experience report of a workshop developed in November 2018, in 3 meetings, at the Family Clinic setting - Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-eight users participated, including diabetics and health professionals...

Time and quality of admissions: nursing workload

ABSTRACT Objectives: to measure the average time spent by the nursing staff during patient admission and investigate their compliance with the activities described by the Nursing Interventions Classification; evaluate the degree of interference in the workload of the team. Methods: observational with t...

How to translate scientific knowledge into practice? Concepts, models and application

ABSTRACT Objectives: to present the concept of Knowledge Translation and Exchange as it has been used in the international literature and in Canada, particularly. Next, to describe a renowned conceptual model to guide its implementation, entitled Knowledge-to-Action Cycle. Results: we described the use...