Results: 4689

Evaluación de la prescripción de hipoglucemiantes orales en población adulta con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2

En el nivel primario de atención se detectan errores en la prescripción del tratamiento farmacológico de la diabetes tipo 2. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad de la prescripción de hipoglucemiantes orales en pacientes atendidos en consultorios del médico d...

Sociodemographic and obstetric factors associated with the interruption of breastfeeding within 45 days postpartum - Maternar Cohort Study

Abstract Objectives: to evaluate and identify the prevalence of interruption of breastfeeding (BF) in the period of up to 45 days postpartum and the associated sociodemographic and obstetric factors. Methods: cohort of 622 puerperal women, selected between 2018 and 2019 in a reference maternity hospita...

Self-perceived evaluation of prenatal care: a hierarchical analysis by the users of Primary Health Care services in Brazil

Abstract Objective: to analyze the factors associated with positive self-perceived evaluation of prenatal care among users of Primary Health Care (PHC). Methods: the analytical cross-sectional study was carried out with secondary data from the 3rd Module of the 2nd cycle (2013 / 2014) of the External E...

Common Mental Disorder and early interruption of exclusive maternal breastfeeding in Quilombola women: a population-based study

Abstract Objectives: to investigate the prevalence of exclusive maternal breastfeeding (EMBF) and evaluate whether common mental disorder (CMD) and other predictors promote its early interruption (EI-EMBF4). Methods: a cross-sectional study involving all children <24 months (n=252) residing in 50% (...

Prevalence and factors associated with unplanned pregnancy in a Brazilian capital in the Northeast

Abstract Objectives: to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with unplanned pregnancy in a Brazilian capital in the Northeast. Methods: a cross-sectional study nested to a hospital birth cohort with a probable sample of 5,110 puerperal women. Associated factors were analyzed using a hierarchic...

Network analysis of the variables involved in career development

Psico USF; 26 (2), 2021
The aim of the study was to identify the relationships between career commitment and the perception of employability, career adaptability, self-reflection and insight of professionals from the southern region of Brazil. Participants were 535 individuals who answered an online questionnaire with sociodemo...

Burnout Syndrome and the Work Design of education and health care professionals

Psico USF; 26 (2), 2021
This study aimed to identify the predictive power of the Work Design (WD) variables on Burnout Syndrome (BS). The sample consisted of 300 professionals, 188 from the field of education and 112 from health care. Two instruments were used in this research, a reduced version of the Work Design Questionnaire...

Padrões de uso de drogas e problemas associados em adolescentes judicializados

Psico USF; 26 (2), 2021
Objetivou-se caracterizar uma amostra de adolescentes em conflito com a lei em relação ao consumo de substâncias e possíveis problemas associados. Participaram 120 adolescentes do sexo masculino, entre 13 e 18 anos, custodiados na Unidade de Atendimento Inicial da Fundação CASA, que responderam ao ...