Results: 2536

Carotid Intima and Media Thickness Correlation with Central Blood Pressure Measurements by Tonometric and Oscillometric Methods: A Proof of Concept

Abstract Background The early detection of vascular damage in subclinical stages of hypertensive disease may be the key point in the prevention of cardiovascular outcomes. Objectives to correlate parameters of structural vascular damage (measurement of the carotid intima-media thickness) with paramet...

Sgarbossa Criteria in Left Bundle Branch Block in a Hypertensive Emergency, a Case Report

Abstract Left bundle branch block and hypertensive emergency are very common conditions in clinical cardiovascular and emergency practice. Hypertensive emergency encompasses a spectrum of clinical presentations in which uncontrolled blood pressure leads to progressive end-organ dysfunction. Suspected acu...

Lipoprotein(a) levels in children and adolescents: Ouro Preto Study

Abstract Background Lipoprotein (a) is a cardiovascular risk factor in adult. Studies have shown the presence of this emergent risk factor in school children, which may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis in adulthood. Objective To evaluate the association between lipoprotein (a) and cardi...

Improvement in Semiconductivity On The Measurement Of Blood Pressure After An Educational Intervention In Health Professionals

Abstract Background Measuring blood pressure is a simple method, but it is subject to errors. Objective to evaluate the theoretical and practical knowledge of the steps of blood pressure measurement in health professionals, before and after the educational intervention. Methods The theoretical know...

Health Promotion to Reduce Hypertension Patients' Vulnerability to Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19)

Abstract Hypertension remains a prominent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. It is not a coincidence that 23% to 30% of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) confirmed cases are hypertensive patients, and the case-fatality rate of adult COVID-19 cases with hypertension was estimated at 6%. It is import...

Avaliação de Padrões Pressóricos Dipper e Não-Dipper e Qualidade de Vida entre Pacientes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica

Arq. bras. cardiol; 116 (2), 2021
Resumo Fundamento O padrão pressórico não-dipper é definido por uma redução inferior a 10% na pressão arterial noturna e está associado a doenças cardiovasculares. Acredita-se que a inflamação desempenhe um papel na patogênese da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) e no padrão pres...

La inflamación en la hipertensión arterial, mecanismos de producción e implicancias terapéuticas

Rev. méd. Chile; 149 (2), 2021
Even though the mechanisms that mediate essential hypertension (HT) are not fully understood, an immunological-inflammatory mechanism could be the common pathway for diverse pathophysiological mechanisms. We analyze in a simplified way the participation of the immune system in HT. T lymphocytes (TL) and ...

Hipertensión arterial y embarazo

Rev. colomb. cardiol; 28 (1), 2021
Resumen Los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo son una complicación frecuente y causa importante de morbimortalidad materno-fetal. Realizar un diagnóstico oportuno, definir la necesidad de inicio de terapias farmacológicas orales o intravenosas, así como las indicaciones de cuidado en cen...

Cost-effectiveness of drug-management of hypertension among patients in selected secondary facilities in Nigeria: Empirical evidence for rational prescription choices

Rev. colomb. cardiol; 28 (1), 2021
Abstract Background: The financial burden of managing hypertension in developing countries, where most of healthcare is funded out-of-pocket, is huge and poor patients cannot sustainably afford it. This is a challenge for most people, especially in sub-Saharan Africa with poor health indices, and this i...