Results: 563

Associação do status socioeconômico com obesidade
Socioeconomic status and obesity

Physis (Rio J.); 18 (3), 2008
Os estudos nacionais indicam comportamento epidêmico da obesidade, e ênfase tem sido dada sobre os determinantes sociais do excesso de peso. O status socioeconômico tem sido avaliado por ocupação, educação e renda. Vários fatores relacionados à obesidade, como atividade física, consumo alimenta...

Interacción entre leptina y grelina como parte del control tónico de la ingesta de alimentos

Food intake is regulated by an acute control system that conveys information between the stomach and hypothalamic centres of feeding regulation mainly via neural vagal afferent fibers for satiety and via hormonal signal transmission by ghrelin for recurrence of appetite and hunger. This acute system is u...

Ingesta usual de vitaminas y minerales en Bucaramanga, Colombia

Rev. chil. nutr; 34 (1), 2007
The usual intake represents the dietary intake of medium and long term; its estimate being preferable to that of the current intake. The usual intake allows comparison with values of dietary reference intake (DRI's) to establish the deficiency or excess. One hundred and sixty seven subjects between 20 an...

Growth, Shedding and Food Intake in Captive Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes: Boidae)

Int. j. morphol; 25 (1), 2007
The anaconda Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabits large hydrographic basins in tropical America and figures among the world's largest snakes, attaining a length of 12 m. This study analyzed the growth of three female anaconda siblings, with records from their birth in captivity up to around 14 mont...

Los vegetales que se consumen crudos deben ser estrictamente controlados

Foodborne illness is still today a health problem worldwide, not only in developing countries but also in developed ones. Diverse environmental, human, commercial and cultural factors have changed the scenes in which these diseases, and the foods involved, appear. These changes have become a new challeng...

Las fibras dietéticas viscosas no afectan la biodisponibilidad de los aminoácidos de la dieta
Viscous dietary fibers do not affect the bioavailability of amino acids of the diet

Viscous soluble fibers such as guar gum are extensively used by the food industry as thickening and stabilizing agents. Viscous soluble fibers are known to affect gastrointestinal carbohydrates kinetics, thereby improving glucose tolerance. Because very little is known about the impact of soluble viscous...

Ingesta de ácido fólico en mujeres jóvenes
Folic acid intake in young women

Objective: To investigate the folic acid intake of young women ages 18 through 24 years. Design: Nonexperimental, descriptive survey. Setting: Small private college in western North Carolina. Participants: A convenience sample of 42 female college students ages 18-24 years. Main Outcome Measures: Survey ...

Conhecimentos e crenças sobre o consumo de alimentos ricos em gordura

Este estudo realizado junto a pessoas que se submetem à avaliação de saúde no Centro de Check-up do Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, teve como objetivos: identificar o conhecimento dessas pessoas sobre os tipos de alimentos ricos em gordura e identificar as crenças comportamentais e normativas sobre o...