Results: 5435

Analysis of COVID-19 mortality and case-fatality in a low- income region: an ecological time-series study in Tocantins, Brazilian Amazon

INTRODUCTION: Inserted in the vulnerable context of the Brazilian Amazon, the state of Tocantins has suffered damages with the dissemination of COVID-19 in its territory; however, little evidence is published from this state. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the case-fatality, mortality, and inciden...

Mortality and case fatality rates of COVID-19 in the State of Goiás, Brazil

INTRODUCTION: the initial spread of the pandemic in Brazil was mainly affected by patterns of socioeconomic vulnerability. It should be noted that the Central-West region of Brazil is one of the regions with the lowest number of cases, but the states of this region together have the highest mortality rat...

The influence of social isolation on the incidence of positivity in COVID-19 tests in a metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil

INTRODUCTION: With the arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus 2 of severe acute respiratory syndrome) pandemic in Brazil, especially in the city of São Paulo, there was a need to apply social isolation policies associated with testing, covering all municipalities. The Clinical Analysis Laboratory of Cen...

A time-series ecological study protocol to analyze trends of incidence, mortality, lethality of COVID-19 in Brazil

INTRODUCTION: since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in February 2020, Brazil has reported more than 20 million cases and more than 600,000 deaths on October 31, 2021. The behavior of the pandemic was also different in the various states, from the less developed to the more developed, such as the...

A erradicação do trabalho escravo até 2030 e os desafios da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador

Resumo A erradicação das formas contemporâneas de escravidão é uma relevante questão científica, social e institucional. De fato, esforços globais têm sido feitos para compreender, mapear e eliminar a escravidão contemporânea, como um dos objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações ...

Vigilância popular da saúde nas comunidades pesqueiras tradicionais e ecologia dos saberes no enfrentamento à COVID-19

Resumo Diante da emergência em saúde pública de importância internacional provocada pela COVID-19, trabalhadores da pesca artesanal, em diálogo com lideranças e acadêmicos brasileiros criaram, em março de 2020, um Observatório sobre os impactos dessa pandemia em comunidades pesqueiras. O objetiv...

Desemprego e suicídio na população brasileira em um cenário de crise do capitalismo

Resumo A atual crise do capitalismo apresenta um caráter múltiplo: econômico, financeiro, social, ambiental, cultural e político. No Brasil, a gravidade da crise não é diferente, podendo ser explicada como resultado do esgotamento do modelo neodesenvolvimentista, bem como de sua incapacidade de res...

Taxas de risco de acidentes de trabalho no Brasil: efeito do Fator Acidentário de Prevenção (FAP)?

Resumo A ocorrência de acidentes e de doenças relacionadas ao trabalho são expressões concretas da exposição dos trabalhadores aos riscos presentes no ambiente laboral. Historicamente o conflito de interesses entre empregadores e trabalhadores obrigou o Estado a assumir a função de regulação de...

Epidemiological profile of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units: A Prospective Brazilian Cohort

J. bras. nefrol; 43 (4), 2021
Abstract Introduction Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent syndrome affecting patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU), and it is associated with poor clinical outcomes. The aim of the present study was to understand the epidemiological profile of patients with AKI admitted to ICUs. Methods P...

Influence of birthplace on gastroschisis outcomes in a state in the southeastern region of Brazil

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 97 (6), 2021
Abstract Objective: To characterize the influence of birthplace on outcomes of patients with gastroschisis admitted to three hospitals in a state in Brazil's southeastern region, according to condition inborn (born in a reference center) or outborn (born outside the reference center). Methods: Retrospe...