Results: 1197

Preditores de fibrilação atrial de novo em unidade de cuidados intensivos não cardíaca

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar quais os preditores de fibrilação atrial de novo em doentes de uma unidade de cuidados intensivos não cardíaca. Métodos: Foram analisados 418 doentes internados entre janeiro e setembro de 2016 em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos não cardíaca. Registaram-se as caracter...

Prevalencia de cepas cagA-positivo en la región de Coquimbo, determinada mediante nested-qPCR en muestras fecales

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (5), 2018
Background: Helicobacter pylori is the most significant pathogen associated with gastric diseases, including gastric cancer. Infected patients with strains that are CagA-positive generally have worse outcomes than those infected with CagA-negative strains. Patients infected with CagA-positive strains hav...

Accuracy of sentinel lymph node mapping in detecting occult neck metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma

ABSTRACT Objectives: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the following: 1) the accuracy of sentinel lymph node mapping (SLNM) in detecting metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), and 2) if SLNM could modify the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging of previous cN0 PTC pati...

Validación de una prueba de amonio en aliento para el diagnóstico de la infección por Helicobacter pylori en pacientes del Hospital Cayetano Heredia

Objetivo: Determinar la validez diagnóstica de una prueba de amonio en aire espirado para la infección por Helicobacter pylori en pacientes a los que se le realiza una endoscopía digestiva alta en el Hospital Cayetano Heredia. Material y métodos: De abril a diciembre del 2014 se evaluó a 155 pacient...

Asociación clínica, patológica y microbiológica de Helicobacter pylori en biopsias gástricas en el departamento de Caldas-Colombia

Objectivo: Establecer la asociación clínica, patológica y microbiológica de Helicobacter pylori en biopsias gástricas en una población del departamento de Caldas (Colombia). Materiales y método: Se incluyeron 72 pacientes que fueron remitidos para endoscopia digestiva a la clínica San Marcel de l...

Hemocultivos en recién nacidos: optimizando la toma de muestra y su rendimiento

Rev. chil. infectol; 35 (2), 2018
Resumen La solicitud de hemocultivos en la atención médica es frecuente, especialmente en las Unidades de Neonatologia, donde se realiza en forma rutinaria frente a la sospecha de sepsis precoz o tardia. Este documento tiene como objetivo estandarizar la técnica de obtención de muestra con la finalid...

OAB score: A clinical model that predicts the probability of presenting overactive detrusor in the urodynamic study

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Purpose To create a predictive model of involuntary detrusor contraction (IDC) to improve the diagnostic accuracy of overactive detrusor (OAD), associating overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms with other clinical parameters in the female population. Materials and Methods A total of 727 women were...

Evaluating the use of fluorescence-based flow cytometry assay for dengue diagnosis using peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Dengue virus (DENV) is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease worldwide with an estimated 50 million infections occurring each year. METHODS: In this study, we present a flow cytometry assay (FACS) for diagnosing DENV, and compare its results with those of the non-str...

Risk factors of helicobacter pylori infection in an urban community in northeast Brazil and the relationship between the infection and gastric diseases

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Helicobacter pylori, a water contaminant, is the primary pathogenic agent associated with gastric diseases in humans. Exposure to H. pylori is more likely higher in developing countries. This study aimed to evaluate the risk factors associated with H. pylori infection in patients ...

Microscopic detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in direct or processed sputum smears

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Microscopic identification of active pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) from direct smears of sputum (DS) is widely used for detection, but has limited sensitivity. Here, we assessed the yield of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) detection in processed sputum smears (PSS). METHODS: Sputum samp...