Total: 596518

Indicadores de las metas regionales de recursos humanos para la salud 2007-2015. Guía para recolectar información para construir los indicadores de las metas regionales de recursos humanos para la salud 2007-2015. Documento validado en la Subregión Andina

Las metas regionales de RHUS se inspiran en los 5 desafíos de Toronto, los cuales fueron convertidos en 20 metas medibles: unas cuantitativas, otras cualitativas. El objetivo de esta operación fue realizar el monitoreo de los cumplimientos acordados en Toronto por los países de la región. OPS-OMS ela...

Regional goals for human resources for health indicators 2007-2015. Data collection guide to build the regional goals for human resources for health indicators 2007-2015. Validated document in the Andean Subregion

The Regional HRH goals are inspired on the 5 Toronto challenges, which were transformed into 20 measurable goals: some quantitative, others qualitative. The objective of this operation was to monitor the agreements achieved in Toronto by the countries in the Region. PAHO-WHO elaborated a “Handbook for ...

Instrument N° 1: Inventory of National Programs. HRH Program evaluation questionnaire: core questions. Belize

The objective of this instrument is to register the programs that countries have implemented to address human resources for health (HRH) problems and to establish an inventory of HRH programs that can be analyzed and studied in‐depth and provide new knowledge on how to respond to the challenges facing ...