Total: 596432
Estudio bacteriologico de infecciones urinarias
Infeccion Urinaria recurrente
Recurrence urinary tract infections
Infeccion urinaria en el diabetico
Urinary tract infections in the diabetic
Inmunologia de la tuberculosis
Tuberculosis immunology
Tuberculosis: la causa mas frecuente de derrame pleural en cochabamba
Tuberculosis: the cause more frequent of pleural effusion in Cochabamba
Diagnostico de la meningitis tuberculosa a traves del enzimoinmunoensayo (Elisa), utilizando PPD como antigeno
Diagnosis of the tuberculosis meningeal through of the Elisa enzyme immunoassay using PPd as antigen
Tuberculous meningitis (TM) is a serious disease which requires early diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis based on clinical and epidemiological data is difficult and bacteriological confirmation done by cultura is delayed. The method used for diagnostic of TM was detection of-PPD antibodies in samples of ...