ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the mandatory folic acid fortification of flour on mortality rates after the hospital discharge of children born with myelomeningocele, the most affected age group and the most frequent cause of death. Methods: A retrospective study of 383 children born with myelomeningo...
La anemia de Diamond Blackfan es un trastorno genético y clínico raro, caracterizado por aplasia eritrocitaria, que clásicamente se manifiesta durante el primer año de vida, típicamente a los 2-3 meses de edad. El 25% de los afectados presentan anemia severa en la infancia, normo o macrocitosis, ret...
Introdução - A anemia e a deficiência de vitamina A (DVA) estão entre os principais problemas de saúde pública no mundo. No Brasil, 20,9 por cento das crianças menores de cinco anos apresentam anemia e 17,4 por cento DVA. Recentemente, a Organização Mundial de Saúde recomendou o uso de múltipl...
ABSTRACT Folic acid is a B complex water-soluble vitamin that is essential to humans, and its deficiency can cause problems including congenital malformations in the fetus as well as heart disease. Most countries affected by diseases associated with a lack of folic acid now supplement foods with the vit...
Background: The effect of food fortification with folic acid on the incidence of lip-palate fissures (FLP) is under discussion. Aim: To calculate the rate of hospital discharges due to cleft lip and palate (CLP) and explore whether they decreased after the start of folic acid fortification in Chile. Mate...
SUMMARY Introduction: folic acid is a water soluble vitamin, which is synthetically-produced and found in fortified foods and supplements. Folate is found naturally in plants, such as the dark green leafy vegetables. Folate is not synthesizedde novo by humans, therefore the daily requirements are met fr...
Abstract Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is the most prevalent genetic disease worldwide. Recurrent vaso-occlusive infarcts predispose SCA patients to infections, which are the primary causes of morbidly and mortality. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between SCA and endodontic diseases. Personal i...