Results: 134

Índice de masa corporal vs análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica en residentes de gran altitud: visión desde la fisiología de altura

Cuad. Hosp. Clín; 60 (n. esp.), 2019
PREGUNTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN: ¿Cuál será la composición corporal relacionada al índice de masa corporal en sujetos adultos residentes permanentes de gran altitud, La Paz, Bolivia, gestiones 2017 y 2018? OBJETIVO: Determinar la composición corporal y el índice de masa corporal en sujetos adultos resi...

Maximum effort training performed in hypoxia alters the mood profile

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 24 (6), 2018
INTRODUCTION: Physical exercise at high altitude has become constant. However, the risks associated with this type of exercise represent a major concern, considering the influence of important stressors such as hypoxia and physical exercise on psychobiological and physiological responses. OBJECTIVE: Anal...

Characterization of Rhodococcus sp. A5wh isolated from a high altitude Andean lake to unravel the survival strategy under lithium stress

Rev. argent. microbiol; 50 (3), 2018
Lithium (Li) is widely distributed in nature and has several industrial applications. The largest reserves of Li (over 85%) are in the so-called "triangle of lithium" that includes the Salar de Atacama in Chile, Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia and Salar del Hombre Muerto in Argentina. Recently, the use of micr...

Peso, estatura e índice de masa corporal de niños y adolescentes de moderada altitud de Colombia

Arch. argent. pediatr; 116 (2), 2018
Introducción. Existe preocupación progresiva por estudiar el crecimiento físico de diversas regiones del mundo, aunque no se considera la altitud como factor de ajuste. Objetivos. Comparar variables de crecimiento físico y patrones de índice de masa corporal (IMC) con la referencia del Centro para e...

Polisomnografía en la altura: necesitamos usar el sentido común

The sleep physiology associated to high altitude hypobaric hypoxia is different from that observed at sea level. Normal parameters set by the North American and European consensus for interpretation of polysomnography (PSM) do not apply to high altitude (HA) conditions. This article reviews the PSM studi...

Plant species diversity in a Neotropical wetland: patterns of similarity, effects of distance, and altitude

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 90 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT The Brazilian Pantanal is an extensive wetland with heterogeneous habitats, primarily due to the river-floodplain system and plants with differential adaptations and reproductive strategies. Factors such as altitude, distance among plant formations, and flood pulse must be considered to better u...

Sleep characteristics in an adult with sleep complaints in three cities at different altitudes

J. bras. pneumol; 44 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Sleep studies conducted at an altitude that is different from the home altitude can yield misleading results regarding the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The objective of the present study was to determine the sleep characteristics of a patient undergoing polysomnography (PSG) in thr...

Concentración de malondialdehido en sujetos que residen a gran altitud: estudio exploratorio

RESUMEN El objetivo fue investigar el comportamiento del malondialdehido (MDA), biomarcador de estrés oxidativo, a grandes altitudes (3500-4200 m de altitud). Se realizó un estudio exploratorio en 91 sujetos de las ciudades de La Paz y El Alto seleccionados a través de una encuesta y examen clínico; ...