Results: 169

Prevalence of dental trauma in Brazilian children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of dental trauma in Brazilian children and adolescents. A systematic review was conducted considering eight databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed), LILACS, BBO, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Open Access Theses and Dissertations, and OpenThesis. Only pre...

Knowledge of Avulsion of Permanent Teeth Emergency Management Among Undergraduate in Brazilian Health Care Students

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the knowledge of undergraduate health care students, about avulsion of permanent teeth. Material and Methods: It is a cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of Brazilian undergraduate students of the nursing, medicine, and dentistry degree programs. A structured quest...

Tratamiento regenerativo de lesión interproximal consecuente a fractura del tercio medio en diente permanente joven
Regenerative treatment of interproximal lesion following middle third fracture in a young permanent tooth

Se presenta un caso clínico de fractura radicular del tercio medio, de pieza 2.1 con desplazamiento de los cabos de fractura. Es tratado con un novedoso procedimiento terapéutico, mediante la utilización de un biomaterial de tercera generación osteoconductor, osteogénico y osteoinductor. Se obtiene ...

Replantation of avulsed tooth: a step-by-step report

Introduction: Avulsion is a serious injury that causes damage to dental and supportive tissues, and is characterized by complete displacement of a tooth from its socket. In most situations, replantation is the treatment of choice for permanent tooth avulsion, and appropriate management is crit...

Utilização do BIO-C TEMP® como medicação intracanal em tratamento de um dente permanente avulsionado e reimplantado tardiamente: relato de caso

RFO UPF; 25 (3), 2020
A avulsão dentária consiste no completo deslocamento traumático do dente do interior de seu alvéolo, ocasionando rompimento do suprimento sanguíneo e fibras periodontais. O reimplante imediato é considerado como melhor conduta, porém, nem sempre é possível. Quando necessário o tratamento endod...

Tratamiento del Diente Permanente Necrótico. Un Cambio de Paradigma en el Campo de la Endodoncia

RESUMEN: El tratamiento de dientes inmaduros necróticos es hoy un gran desafío clínico. La ausencia de cierre del ápice y el reducido grosor de las paredes de la dentina hacen que el tratamiento endodóntico del diente sea difícil e impredecible. Tradicionalmente, estos dientes han sido tratados con...

Recubrimiento directo con agregado trióxido mineral (MTA) comparado con hidróxido de calcio para caries dentinaria profunda en pacientes con dentición permanente

RESUMEN: Introducción: El recubrimiento pulpar directo es un método para tratar la pulpa vital expuesta conservando su vitalidad. Tradicionalmente se ha utilizado el hidróxido de calcio como material de elección para este tratamiento, sin embargo, sus efectos adversos han promovido el desarrollo y ut...

Multidisciplinary conservative management of dental fracture in young patient: case report

The management of fractured permanent teeth due to dental trauma in young patients is a challenge that requires an efficient approach. Objective: Describe a conservative and multidisciplinary treatment of a case of dental trauma in a 13 years-old boy. Case report: At clinical examination was verified ena...

Importance of orthodontic intervention of the Class III malocclusion in mixed dentition

ABSTRACT Introduction: Supervising the development of occlusion, managing problems during the transition from mixed to permanent dentition, as well as controlling environmental factors that contribute to establishing malocclusion, are important actions to achieve a Class I occlusion with facial balance...

Indirect pulp protection after selective caries removal: a preliminary 6 months randomised controlled trial

This randomized controlled clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of using indirect pulp protection with calcium hydroxide liner or universal adhesive over a period of 6 months in deep caries on permanent teeth after selective removal to soft dentin. The sample con-sisted of 68 patients with 55 molar...