Results: 151

Effect of Alpinia zerumbet essential oil on the shelf life of tambaqui fillets during short-term refrigerator storage

Acta amaz; 49 (2), 2019
We investigated the effect of Alpinia zerumbet essential oil on the quality and shelf life of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fillets stored under refrigeration (10.0 ± 0.5 °C) for 14 days. The treatments were A. zerumbet essential oil at 0.75% v v-1 (AEO 0.75%), A. zerumbet essential oil at 1.5% v v-1...

First report of Trichodinella and new geographical records of trichodinids in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) farmed in Brazil

Abstract Massive occurrence of trichodinids is frequently accompanied by serious disease in fish farms. In this study, trichodinid species from the gills and skin of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) farmed in the central-western region of Brazil (state of Goiás) were morphologically characterized. D...

Fish consumption on the Amazon: a review of biodiversity, hydropower and food security issues

Braz. j. biol; 79 (2), 2019
Abstract The lack of knowledge about the majority of fish species harvested in Amazonian small-scale fisheries, in association with impacts from hydroelectric power plants, may lead to biodiversity loss and a decrease in the protein food supply for riverine Amazonians. This study uses existing datasets ...

Crustáceos (Decapoda y Stomatopoda) del R.V. Skimmer y R.V. Victor Hensen en el Golfo de Nicoya, Pacífico, Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 67 (1), 2019
Resumen El acceso a datos actualizados, sobre los nombres y distribución de las especies de crustáceos presentes en un área en particular, es un primer paso para evaluar cambios debidos a factores locales, regionales o globales, como la sobrepesca, la contaminación y el cambio climático. Los datos e...

Profile of skin diseases in a community of fishermen in the northern coast of the state of São Paulo: the expected and the unusual

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (1), 2019
Abstract: Background: The fishing colony of the Picinguaba neighborhood is located at the northern end of the coast of the state of São Paulo. It has about 300 residents, of which approximately 100 are professional fishermen. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the main dermatoses of the communit...

Malaria and fish farming in the Brazilian Amazon Region: a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The fish farming program in Acre is as an alternative program to generate income and employment and has promising regional, national, and international markets. While the economic importance of fish farming in the Jurua Region is clear, one must address its contribution to increas...

Schistosomiasis mansoni in families of fishing workers of endemic area of Alagoas

Abstract Objective: To analyze the epidemiological and clinical aspects involved in the transmission and manifestation of schistosomiasis in a community of fishermen from the endemic area of Alagoas. Methods: Epidemiological, transversal, prospective, descriptive, quantitative study. The coproparasitol...

Bite force, cranial morphometrics and size in the fishing bat Myotis vivesi (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)

Rev. biol. trop; 66 (4), 2018
Abstract Fish-eating in bats evolved independently in Myotis vivesi (Vespertillionidae) and Noctilio leporinus (Noctilionidae). We compared cranial morphological characters and bite force between these species to test the existence of evolutionary parallelism in piscivory. We collected cranial distances ...

La evaluación de riesgos en la prevención de enfermedades profesionales, incidentes y accidentes laborales en el cultivo intensivo de tilapia
The evaluation of risks in the disease prevention professional, incidental and occupational accidents in the intensive farming of tilapia

Rev. medica electron; 40 (6), 2018
RESUMEN Introducción: el cuidado y preservación de la salud en los trabajadores es un factor clave para el incremento de la productividad, la sostenibilidad del trabajo realizado y el bienestar de todos sus empleados. El cultivo intensivo de la tilapia en Cuba es un proceso clave en la producción de...

A mulher pescadora no cotidiano da pesca artesanal

Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir o trabalho feminino na pesca artesanal e as classificações profissionais atribuídas às mulheres em duas comunidades pesqueiras em Alagoas. A metodologia consistiu na realização de treze entrevistas com mulheres e homens, em observações nas entidades represen...