Results: 75

Air pollution and risk of hospitalization for epilepsy: the role of farm use of nitrogen fertilizers and emissions of the agricultural air pollutant, nitrous oxide

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (9), 2017
ABSTRACT The link between various air pollutants and hospitalization for epilepsy has come under scrutiny. We have proposed that exposure to air pollution and specifically the pervasive agricultural air pollutant and greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O), may provoke susceptibility to neurodevelopmental di...

Desarrollo de un sistema de fermentación líquida y de enquistamiento para una bacteria fijadora de nitrógeno con potencial como biofertilizante

Rev. argent. microbiol; 49 (3), 2017
El uso indiscriminado de fertilizantes químicos ha contribuido al deterioro de las propiedades biológicas, físicas y químicas del suelo, lo que derivó en la pérdida de su capacidad productiva. Por esta razón, se ha planteado como alternativa tecnológica el uso de biofertilizantes. El objetivo de ...

Palisadegrass effects on N fertilizer dynamic in intercropping systems with corn

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Corn grain yield, nitrogen (N) fertilizer efficiency and distribution to corn alone and three forms of corn and palisadegrass (Urochloa spp.) intercropping implantation was investigated. A field experiment with 15N labeling fertilizer was performed in randomized block design. No form of palisade...

Compatibility of Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens in growth promotion of groundnut ( Arachis hypogea L)

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT We attempted to study the compatibility among plant beneficial bacteria in the culture level by growing them near in the nutrient agar plates. Among all the bacteria tested, Rhizobium was found to inhibit the growth of other bacteria. From the compatible group of PGPR, we have selected one biofe...

Bacillus spp: una alternativa para la promoción vegetal por dos caminos enzimáticos

NOVA publ. cient; 15 (27), 2017
Resumen Objetivo. Se realizó una revisión sobre las características de las fitasas y nitrogenasas de Bacillus spp. y sus opciones de uso como alternativa biofertilizante. El género Bacillus es secretor de proteínas y metabolitos eficientes para el control de plagas y enfermedades, promueve el crecim...

Maize dry matter production and macronutrient extraction model as a new approach for fertilizer rate estimation

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (1,supl), 2017
ABSTRACT Decision support for nutrient application remains an enigma if based on soil nutrient analysis. If the crop could be used as an auxiliary indicator, the plant nutrient status during different growth stages could complement the soil test, improving the fertilizer recommendation. Nutrient absorpti...

Effect of phosphorus on arsenic uptake and metabolism in rice cultivars differing in phosphorus use efficiency and response

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT A hydroponic experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of phosphorus (P) nutrition on arsenic (As) uptake and translocation within the seedlings of rice cultivars. The experiment occurred in three stages: I 5 days of acclimatization (nutritive solution); II 10 days under P (0.0 and 0....

Alterações respiratórias em trabalhadores: estudo de portuários avulsos

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 38 (4), 2017
Resumo OBJETIVO Identificar alterações no sistema respiratório em trabalhadores portuários por meio de exames radiográficos e de função pulmonar; identificar o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual durante as atividades portuárias; e relacionar a idade, tempo de trabalho, exposição a su...

Effects of different water management options and fertilizer supply on photosynthesis, fluorescence parameters and water use efficiency of Prunella vulgaris seedlings

Biol. Res; 49 (), 2016
BACKGROUND: Prunella vulgaris L. is a medical plant cultivated in sloping, sun-shaded areas in China. Recently, owing to air-environmental stress, especially drought stress strongly inhibits plant growth and development, the appropriate fertilizer supply can alleviate these effects. However, these is lit...

La disminución de la población de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus en caña de azúcar, después de la fertilización nitrogenada, está relacionada con la fisiología de las plantas en experimentos de raíz dividida

Rev. argent. microbiol; 47 (4), 2015
It has been established that a decrease in the population of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus associated with sugarcane occurs after nitrogen fertilization. This fact could be due to a direct influence of NH4NO3 on bacterial cells or to changes in plant physiology after fertilizer addition, affecting bac...