Results: 97

Painful and stressful procedures and analgesia in newborns from the viewpoint of professionals

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the procedures considered painful and stressful by health professionals from a neonatal intensive care unit and check the measures of analgesia. Method: Descriptive exploratory quantitative study with 65 health professionals, from November 2016 to February 2017. Results...

Uso de fármacos coadyuvantes de los anestésicos locales en anestesia regional pediátrica para el manejo del dolor agudo postoperatorio

Dolor; 28 (70), 2018
La anestesia regional pediátrica, ya sea los bloqueos neuroaxiales como periféricos, constituye actualmente un pilar fundamental en el manejo analgésico multimodal orientado a los periodos intra y postoperatorio; facilitando una recuperación postquirúrgica óptima y un alta precoz en niños. La inye...

What do people do before going to the dentist? qualitative study of cultural practices of pain relief in primary care

J. oral res. (Impresa); 7 (8), 2018
Objective: to describe and classify the main cultural practices used to relieve orodental pain in people who seek emergency dental care in vulnerable urban and rural areas of central Chile. methodology: a sample of 88 adults residing in urban and rural sectors, who received treatment at primary care emer...

Comparative study of the use of HPA lanolin and breast milk for treating pain associated with nipple trauma

Abstract Objective To compare two different treatments—the use of highly purified anhydrous (HPA) lanolin and expressed breast milk—for women with pain and nipple trauma during the breastfeeding process. Method A total of 180 puerperal women were randomly assigned to 2 groups: one was treat...

Manejo da dor em crianças queimadas: Revisão integrativa

Rev. bras. queimaduras; 17 (2), 2018
A dor e o sofrimento estão associados com queimaduras, trazem efeitos fisiológicos e emocionais adversos, principalmente em crianças. O controle adequado da dor é um fator importante na melhora dos resultados clínicos. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar na literatura os princípios ativos mai...

La punción seca realizada por fisioterapeutas es efectiva para reducir el dolor musculoesquelético
Dry needling performed by physical therapists is effective to reduce musculoskeletal pain

Radiofrecuencia pulsada para tratamiento de neuralgia de nervio pudendo bajo guía ultrasonográfica: a propósito de dos casos

Dolor; 28 (69), 2018
INTRODUCCIÓN: La neuralgia de nervio pudendo (NNP) se presenta como un dolor neuropático intenso, ardiente y difuso en la zona perineal, acompañado en ocasiones de hipoestesia, alodinia, hiperalgesia, sensibilidad dérmica, parestesia y entumecimiento que empeora el dolor en sedestación. Es un síndr...

Comparison of postoperative analgesia with methadone versus morphine in cardiac surgery

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 68 (2), 2018
Abstract Background and objectives: Pain is an aggravating factor of postoperative morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of methadone versus morphine using the numerical rating scale of pain and postoperative on-demand analgesia in patients undergoing myocardial revas...

Efficacy of ketoprofen with or without omeprazole for pain and inflammation control after third molar removal

Braz. dent. j; 29 (2), 2018
Abstract In view of the gastrointestinal problems generated by the ketoprofen use, the ketoprofen association with omeprazole is available on the market. However, this association efficacy in acute pain control has not been established. Bilateral extraction of lower third molars in similar positions is c...

Postoperative local incision analgesia for acute pain treatment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Summary Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the analgesic effect and safety of using local incision analgesia to treat acute postoperative pain in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Method: A cohort of 60 patients undergoing liver cancer resection was randomly divided into thre...