Results: 202

Immune system: development and acquisition of immunological competence

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 97 (supl.1), 2021
Abstract Objectives: To describe the ontogeny of the immune system and the adaptive mechanisms of the immune system in the neonatal period, with an emphasis on transplacental antibody transport and breastfeeding. Source of data: Non-systematic literature review in the PubMed database. Summary of the f...

Alimentos fermentados y probióticos en niños. La importancia de conocer sus diferencias microbiológicas

Arch. argent. pediatr; 119 (1), 2021
La leche materna provee microorganismos que colonizan el intestino y programan el sistema inmunológico para desarrollar tolerancia oral. Entre los 6 meses de lactancia materna exclusiva y los 2 años de lactancia prolongada recomendada, la alimentación complementaria conlleva una red...

Bacterial communities in fecal samples of myotis chiloensis from Southern, Chile

Int. j. morphol; 39 (1), 2021
SUMMARY: The insectivorous bat Myotis chiloensis is endemic of South America. Even though potentially pathogenic bacterial species of Mycoplasma have been reported from this species, there are no further studies regarding the bacterial communities they harbor. This may provide important insights for the ...

Influence of preoperative hospital stay in the antimicrobial resistance profile of oral microbiotic

Objective: Verify whether there was a relationship between the occurrence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains and the length of stay in the preoperative period. Methods: Clinical samples of the oral surfaces of the teeth and/or cheek mucosa were collected in the oral cavity of 37 patients who underw...

Efeito da colostroterapia e do leite materno no estabelecimento da microbiota de recém-nascidos prematuros

A colonização inicial da microbiota humana é de suma importância, desempenhando um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento imunológico, nutricional, metabólico e neurológico. Recémnascidos prematuros e de baixo peso muitas vezes precisam permanecer internados em unidades de terapia intensiva e frequ...

Flujo vaginal y semen: la microbiota de las relaciones sexuales

Durante las relaciones sexuales, se da el intercambio de especies bacterianas entre las parejas, siendo las relaciones sexuales un factor crucial en la modificación de la microbiota genital. En el presente artículo de reflexión, se analizó el efecto de las relaciones sexuales sobre el intercambio de ...

Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial potential of herbal extracts on Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis An in vitro study

Braz. dent. sci; 24 (1), 2021
Though aloe vera extract, green tea extract and coriander oil are proven antimicrobial agents, very little information is available regarding its effects on oral bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, which is responsible for initiating caries and Enterococcus faecalis, responsible ...

Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Individuals Carry Different Periodontal Bacteria

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify etiologic microbiota associated periodontal diseases among diabetes patients and the factors related to the most commonly identified bacteria species. Material and Methods: Periodontal plaque samples from 11 diabetic participants and 13 non-diabetic controls were collect...

Microbiota intestinal en pediatría

Repert. med. cir; 30 (2), 2021
La microbiota intestinal es el conjunto de millones de microrganismos vivos ubicados en el tracto gastrointestinal. Es indispensable en múltiples funciones del organismo, regulación de la inmunidad, en aspectos nutricionales y procesos de inflamación sistémica entre o...

Therapeutic potential of using probiotics in the treatment and prevention of breast câncer

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the evidence available in the literature on probiotics on breast cancer. Methods: It is an integrative review of the literature, through the PICO strategy, with the guiding question “Does probiotics consumption act on oxidative stress and reduces the risk of brea...