Results: 1740

Physiological and hematological parameters of sheep reared in the tropics and subtropics

This study aimed to determine the physiological and hematological parameters of sheep in Brazil. Therefore, 5,081 observations were used from previous experiments with animals from different Brazilian regions with the time of day, gender, breed, age, physiological characteristics, hematological and clima...

The Association between Tp-e interval, Tp-e/QT, and Tp-e/QTc Ratios and Coronary Artery Disease Spectrum and Syntax Score

Abstract Background Coronary artery disease (CAD) causes electrical heterogeneity on ventricular myocardium and ventricular arrhythmia due to myocardial ischemia linked to ventricular repolarization abnormalities. Objective Our aim is to investigate the impact of increased level of CAD spectrum and s...

Principales medidas anatómicas de las cavidades cardíacas y grandes vasos por tomografía computarizada cardíaca de doble fuente

CorSalud; 13 (1), 2021
RESUMEN Introducción: Los avances tecnológicos en tomografía computarizada han hecho posible la evaluación de estructuras pequeñas y móviles, como las arterias coronarias y el resto del corazón. La tomografía cardíaca aporta información anatómica y funcional. Objetivo: Identificar los valo...

Estudio cadavérico de anteversión de cuello femoral en Población de Indonesia
Cadaveric Study Of Femoral Neck Anteversion In Indonesian Population

Prensa méd. argent; 107 (1), 2021
Objective: The normal morphology of femoral anteversion is an essential factor which determines the clinical results of hip replacement to achieve the normal activity and the length of the replaced joint. No previous study has been documented regarding normal value of femoral anteversion in Indonesian po...

Quais os Valores de Normalidade mais Adequados para Monitorização Residencial da Pressão Arterial?

Arq. bras. cardiol; 116 (3), 2021

Determinación de Valores de Armonía del Perfil Facial en la Población Chilena

El realizar un tratamiento ortodóntico sólo en base a referencias de tejidos duros, puede llevar a resultados estéticos desfavorables, debido a la gran variabilidad que existe en los tejidos blandos que los recubren. Arnett et al. (1999) presentaron un análisis basado en los tejidos blandos y determi...

Ultrasound reference values for the calcaneus of children and adolescents at moderate altitudes in Peru

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 97 (1), 2021
Abstract Objective: a) Establish reference values for bone parameters by using the speed of sound (SOS, m/s) of broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA, dB/MHz) and establish a bone quality index (BQI = αSOS + βBUA) for children and adolescents living in a region of moderate altitude, b) compare...

Clinical assessment of acid-base balance in Netherland Dwarf rabbit

Braz. j. biol; 81 (2), 2021
Pet rabbits have increased their popularity in a lot of countries. However, most of the laboratory profiles in rabbit medicine come from the observations made in rabbit as biomodels or meat production. So that further researches are necessary to obtain reference values for hematology and biochemical prof...

New reference parameters for body mass index in children aged six to ten years

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine new body mass index (BMI) reference values to classify the nutritional status of children aged six to ten years old from the city of Montes Claros (state of Minas Gerais), Southeast Brazil. Methods: The sample consisted of 3,863 individuals from both genders. Body mas...

Incidence of small for gestational age neonates, according to the fenton and intergrowth-21st curves in a level ii maternity

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the incidence of small for gestational age infants among late preterm and term newborns, using the Fenton and Intergrowth-21st curves. Methods: Observational and retrospective study with newborns in a level II maternity. The study was approved by the Institution's Ethic...