Results: 2294

Enfoque minimalista en el implante de válvula aórtica percutánea

Rev. chil. cardiol; 38 (3), 2019
RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: En pacientes con estenosis Aórtica (EA) severa sintomática, el implante de válvula aórtica percutánea transcatéter (TAVI) por vía transfemoral constituye el estándar de tratamiento en aquellos de riesgo quirúrgico intermedio o alto. El uso de un abordaje minimalista ha de...

Comportamiento hemodinámico y respiratorio durante la movilización temprana de pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardíaca: Experiencia en un Hospital Público

Rev. chil. cardiol; 38 (3), 2019
Abstract: Objective: To describe the hemodynamic and respiratory changes during early mobilization (EM) after cardiac surgery. Methods: An analytical observational retrospective cohort study was performed in a Coronary Care Unit of a tertiary hospital. 75 patients submitted to cardiac surgery (From M...

Analysis of complications after Whipple's procedure using ERAS protocols

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (4), 2019
Abstract Background: The administration of perioperative fluids is a controversial issue that can be associated with the development of postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) after Whipple procedure. Objective: To evaluate whether intraoperative fluid management along with Enhanced Recovery after Surg...

Ketamine impact on intraocular pressure of children: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis of evidence

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (4), 2019
Abstract Introduction: Intraocular pressure (IOP) measuring in children is a defiant challenge for ophthalmologists due to the unwillingness to collaborate of patient; therefore, it is necessary to perform these examinations under anesthesia (EUA) in order to facilitate the measuring. Among the anesthet...

Infecciones postneuroquiróºrgicas: Puesta al día y recomendaciones intersociedades
Post-neurosurgical infections. Update and intersociety recommendations

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (6), 2019
Las infecciones asociadas a procedimientos neuroquiró;ºrgicos son complicaciones graves que contribuyen a la morbimortalidad de los pacientes neurocríticos, así como tambín a la prolongació;n de la estancia en la UTI y/o en el hospital. El diagnó;stico es complejo ya que no se dispone de gold stan...

Acute postoperative sepsis mimicking symptomology suspicious for malignant hyperthermia: case report

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (6), 2019
Abstract Background: Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction with non-specific clinical features that can mimic other clinical conditions with hyper metabolic state such as malignant hyperthermia. Perioperatively anesthesia providers come across such scenarios, which are extremely challenging wit...

Perioperative complications and mortality in elderly patients following surgery for femoral fracture: prospective observational study

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (6), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives: Perioperative management of femoral fractures in elderly patients has been studied to determine modifiable causes of complications and death. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mortality rate and its causes in the elderly population with FF. We also evaluated p...

Coronary involvement in behçet's disease: what are its risks and prognosis? (rare cases and literature review)

Abstract Objective: In our clinic, we aimed to investigate the effect of preoperative risk factors and postoperative complications on reoperation and mortality in cases with Behçet's disease which presents very rare coronary artery involvement. Methods: Thirteen patients with Behçet's Disease who h...

Estenosis faríngea secundaria a adenoamigdalectomía: ¿cómo la resolvemos?

RESUMEN La estenosis faríngea es una complicación muy poco frecuente de la adenoamigdalectomía. Consiste en un estrechamiento de la vía aerodigestiva superior secundaria a la adhesión parcial o total de las estructuras que componen la orofaringe producto de una disección extensa al realizar amigdal...

Prevalencia de complicaciones en pacientes sometidas a cesárea en el periodo comprendido entre enero a diciembre del 2016 en el Hospital Universitario San José de Popayán, Colombia 2016

Resumen INTRODUCCIÓN La cesárea es el procedimiento quirúrgico que se realiza con el fin de obtener el nacimiento de un feto, con el objetivo de disminuir la morbimortalidad materna y perinatal asociada con el momento del nacimiento cuando el parto vaginal podría traer consigo complicaciones. En los...