Results: 1640

Genetic diversity of Babesia bovis studied longitudinally under natural transmission conditions in calves in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Abstract Serum and DNA samples from 15 naturally infected calves in Seropédica, Brazil, were obtained quarterly from birth to 12 months of age, in order to longitudinally evaluate their humoral immune response against Babesia bovis and the merozoite surface antigen diversity of B. bovis. Anti-B. bovis I...

Molecular diagnosis of the curly lettuce parasitic contamination from hydroponic cultivation from supermarkets

Abstract The consumption of vegetables has increased in recent years due to the search for a healthier diet that is rich in fiber and has fewer calories. To assess the parasitic contamination of lettuce sold in markets, a survey of parasites was carried out from a supermarket chain in the city of Londrin...

Viral infections of pigs used for medical education. A Japanese experience

Acta cir. bras; 35 (8), 2020
Abstract Infectious viruses pose a threat to all living organisms, including humans, and can cause significant morbidity. Previous experience with pigs in medical education and research, rather than in domestic control settings, has led to a unique perspective on viral infections in swine. In this articl...

Cuidar em tempos da COVID-19: lições aprendidas entre a ciência e a sociedade

Resumo: Esta comunicação é centrada na nossa pesquisa e intervenção em promoção da saúde com pacientes e comunidades afetadas por diversas doenças infecciosas, no projeto Plataforma de Saberes. Esse projeto é desenvolvido no Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo ...

El uso de mascarillas se asoció con la reducción del comportamiento de tocarse la cara en ámbitos públicos durante la pandemia por COVID-19
Mask use was associated with reduced face-touching behavior in public settings during the COVID-19 pandemic

Immunocompromised patients and coronavirus disease 2019: a review and recommendations for dental health care

Abstract In less than four months, an unprecedented pandemic changed the world scenario, closing institutions and commerce, paralyzing sports championships, blocking frontiers, and putting almost all populations in a house quarantine regimen. Immunocompromised patients are within the high-risk group to s...

Guía de práctica clínica hospitalaria: elementos de protección personal y testeo prequirúrgico de pacientes asintomáticos para prevención de la diseminación de SARS-CoV2 en el ámbito quirúrgico en cirugía de urgencia
Clinical practice guideline: elements of personal protection and pre-surgical testing of asymptomatic patients for prevention of the spread of SARS-CoV2 in the surgical field in emergency surgery

En epidemias de enfermedades altamente infecciosas como el COVID-19, de transmisión a través de gotas expulsadas por la boca de la persona infectada, los trabajadores de la salud tienen un riesgo mayor de infección que la población en general, debido a su contacto con fluidos corporales y aerosoles g...

COVID-19 infection in pregnant women, preterm delivery, birth weight, and vertical transmission: a systematic review and meta-analysis

In less than four months, the total of confirmed cases of COVID-19 was 1,684,833 worldwide. Outcomes among the public of pregnant women with COVID-19 are still unclear. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to analyze whether COVID-19 in pregnant women is related to premature birth and birth...

Natural Infection by Leishmania infantum in domestic cats (Felis catus) in a municipality of moderate transmission in the Brazilian semi-arid region

Abstract The main clinical, anatomopathological, and molecular aspects of the infection by Leishmania infantum are described in two cats with multicentric cutaneous, nodular, and ulcerated lesions. The animals were submitted to a clinical examination, followed by serological, molecular and parasitologica...